For Palm Sunday our worship continued to be inspired by God’s covenant… with the signs of God’s promise all around us: the rainbow of Noah, the stars of Abraham, the stones of the ten commandments. The snakeskins of Moses’ day, from death emerges new life, and the heart – God’s commitment written on our hearts – I will be your God and you shall be my people.

As we enter in to Holy Week, Jesus’ eyes are firmly fixed on the gate, and what lies beyond. The gateway in through the holy city, and the new Jerusalem which is here, right now, and still to come.

We will joined our Anglican neighbours on the steps at 10am and processed to Christ Church for an ecumenical celebration with our friends from the Brunswick Baptists and the Brunswick Salvation Army.  Our procession was lead by Francesca the real-live, reliable and sturdy donkey and her faithful companion.  We then returned to BUC to conclude the service.

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