Prayers of Adoration & Confession

God who works at the potter’s wheel, creating and reworking,
You see possibilities in us and in the world that we cannot imagine.
You form us from raw materials,
You see our potential, just as a potter pictures a beautiful vessel when holding a lump of clay.

Jesus who calls us to be his disciples,
You ask us to focus on you,
You offer us unconditional love.
You are our mother, our father, our sister and brother.
You are all that we need.

Spirit of the Living God, moving among us and making things new.
You give life to the great and the small,
You build and plant,
Inviting us to join you
In creating a future that is founded on justice and love.

We confess there are times
When we do not see the possibilities in each other and the world,
When we focus on what is broken, rather than on what can be remade.
Forgive us.

We know that we do not always step forward to be your disciples,
That at times our focus is not on you, as we look elsewhere for love and meaning in our lives.
Forgive us.

We realise that at times we do not see you moving among us,
We do not feel your presence, giving life and building up, inviting us to join you in making things new.
Forgive us.


In Christ all things are made new.
And so we can be confident that our sins are forgiven.

Thanks be to God

by Kirsty Bennett, offered for worship, 8/9

Prayers of the people

Creator God.

You have called us, and know us, each and everyone by name,
and we are here to worship, learn, and renew ourselves in your love and by your grace.

For the wonder and beauty of the world you shaped,
we thank you and pray that we learn to be caretakers and custodians of your creation for the future.

Renewer God.

Renew us and live and move within all those who are in danger.
Danger from war, hunger, rising waters that eat away their land,
storms and fires that take lives, and livelihoods.

Danger from the power hungry and the greedy, companies or Governments
that don’t see humanity, but only money and control.

Danger from inequality and discrimination.
For our First People, whose culture and history are under valued and ignored.
For those who don’t  fit in because of colour or religion.
For the homeless, unemployed, the sick, the dying, the grieving, the lonely, powerless and afraid.
Mould and shape us all, to move, live and breathe your life, love and renewal into the world.

Transformer God.

We need your transforming love in so many ways and places.
In the politics of power and freedom in Hong Kong and China.
For growing “Fake News” politics in America, and other Governments following this lead to power.

For refugees and asylum seekers everywhere but especially here in Australia,
on Manus and Nauru and for families who only want a safe place to live.
Transform our indifference, and help us see the ways we can be manipulated into complacency.

For your Church.

For Church and Religious leaders in difficult and challenging times.
For our own Church that we are willing to be shaped, led and moulded by you.

Creating, Renewing, Transforming God.

Our world is troubling, confusing and incredibly beautiful.
We can feel powerless to change minds, or influence the community or politics that we live with.

Mould and shape your people as we live in the world,
and help us in ways large or small to do your will.

We pray these things in the name and through the Grace of Jesus Christ.


by Helen Burnham, offered for worship, 8/9