Mission Appeal – Children, Youth & Young Adult Ministry

During worship on 7th August, Joel Hallinan, chair of the Children, Youth & Young Adult Committee, spoke about the ministry we offer to young people through the Sunday Morning Program, YUCY (Youth Group), the Student House program and other opportunities.

He concluded ‘In all these things we draw on the wonderful giving of our volunteers, from our Student House program and others within the BUC community.  We’re all giving.  And we do more and more and we have visions for more still through our Children & Youth Worker – outreach with local youth, food security issues through our Food Co-op, climate action with our young people.  It’s an area that we’ve got a plan and we’d like to do more.  So coming back to questions and answers.  We’d like to do more.  So the question ‘How and can we do all these things and into the future for the next five years in a responsible and informed way.  … So though this mission appeal we’re asking do we have the ability to do these things now, to find out what we can give and what we can do now.  

Joel went on to refer to the options for giving and offering support as outlined in the letter from Council co-chairs.