Check our 3-year update report to the Congregation on progress with our Climate Action Plan

Let’s all commit ourselves to building a just, caring and sustainable future for God’s Earth and all its creatures.


  • BUC is effectively carbon neutral through its purchase of Green energy from Diamond Energy
  • BUC will further reduce its emissions as it continues to replace or improve the efficiency of various appliances, avoid unnecessary usage, further improve insulation, and investigate additional solar collectors.
  • To put BUC emissions into context, its annual emissions are roughly equivalent to 2 typical suburban households. If we could influence our 250 individual members to take personal household action, this would result in a much greater impact on reducing global greenhouse gas emissions.
  • BUC may achieve even greater impact if our members further engage in campaigns to influence businesses (both local and large-scale) and government, working in collaboration with religious and/or secular groups.

Read the 3-year update report for the congregation.

Read the 3-year update report appendices.