They are like trees, planted by streams of water

Psalm 1:3a

Prayers of Adoration & Confession

God of earth & skies, snow and rain, star and sun
the wonders of our world celebrate your creative love.
Intricate details, soaring mountains, quirky combinations
take our breath away when we stop our striving, our doing
and simply allow ourselves to be held in moments of joy.

God of justice & peace, sorrow & mirth, joy & pain
your stories and words and full of wisdom and truth.
You see deep into the heart of our questions
giving us answers that we don’t always expect
and yet which the world desperately needs to hear.

God of wind & flame, flashing light, day & night
you shape our hearts anew in the joyful dance of life.
On your breath we hear the anguish of suffering
the despair of forgotten people, reminding us
whose we are and who we are called to be.  Amen

Remembering who we are called to be, let’s offer our prayers of confession.
We confess the groaning and suffering of the created world
the cries of creatures and people
whose homes are smashed and burned
to satisfy the need and greed of others.

We confess the despair and heartbreak of vulnerable people
a long way from places they once called home
trapped in-between what was and yet might be
to satisfy the need and power of others.

God of all that is, we confess our broken hearts.
We confess that we are not enough,
our voices are not enough, our actions are not enough
to mend all this brokenness, to give birth to beauty.  Amen

Our confessions are held in God’s infinite steadfast compassionate love.
Called as God’s servant people, reshaped by grace, in Jesus’ name
we can be confident that our sins are forgiven.

Saide Cameron, offered for worship, 23/9/18, Pentecost 18B

Prayers of the people

God of earth & skies, snow and rain, star and sun
We pray for our world, for all living things that inhabit her.
We pray for people and creatures forced from their homes.
We pray for wise leaders with strong voices and hearts that care.
Help us to bear witness to the damage done to vulnerable people,
through war, famine, disease, climate change and greed.
Help us to be your servants, lighting the way with hope and love.

God of justice & peace, sorrow & mirth, joy & pain
We pray for the church, for people of faith throughout the world.
We pray for people who have been hurt by the corrupted power of religion.
We pray for wise leaders with strong voices and hearts that care.
Help us to bear witness to all that is good and beautiful in the church
all who work for justice, shining your light into the darkest places.
Help us to be your servants, singing of justice, joy and peace.

God of wind & flame, flashing light, day & night
We pray for our community, for people in need of love and care.
We pray for asylum seekers, for the children trapped on Nauru.
We pray for wise leaders with strong voices and hearts that care.
Help us to bear witness to those who suffer in the name of power
Help us to be your servants, speaking, living, breathing compassion.  Amen

Saide Cameron, offered for worship 23/9/18, Pentecost 18B