Prayers of Adoration & Confession

Sovereign God whom we adore
You are the One who calls us to love
To open our arms in welcome
To speak, act and love
Safe and strong in your steadfast love.

Risen Saviour, Christ our Lord

You are the One who calls us to prayer
To pray for peace and justice
To speak, act and love
Confident that you hear our prayers

Holy Spirit, breath of love and prayer
You are the One who calls us to live
To be at work in the world
To speak, act and love
To be the new creation of joyful unity.

Sovereign God, Risen Saviour, Holy Spirit
Forgive us when we think we are alone
When we forget all that has gone before us
Point us towards the richness of all the faiths and traditions
That have brought us into this time and place.
Help us to always speak, act and love
Even in our brokenness, even in the darkness.  Amen

Peace, salaam, shalom,
Peace, salaam, shalom,
Peace, salaam, shalom,
Peace, salaam, shalom.

Rejoicing in God’s steadfast love, grace and mercy
We can be confident that in the name of Christ, our risen Saviour, our sins are forgiven.
Thanks be God.  Amen

Saide Cameron, offered for worship, Pentecost 3, UCA Anniversary, 21/06/2020

Prayers of the people

Loving God
We worship together on this anniversary Sunday
As Christians always have
We pray for those serving and those suffering in this pandemic: may they find help, and peace
We pray for those suffering, and those protesting, racial injustice: may they find justice, and inspiration.
In your mercy, hear our prayers
In your mercy, hear our prayers

We worship together on this, 43rd anniversary of the Inauguration of the Uniting Church in Australia.
We pray for this church: may it be humble, vital catalyst for change. May it be a witness to Christ’s unity
In your mercy, hear our prayers
In your mercy, hear our prayers

We worship together as people in need. We pray for people in need.
We pray for hospital patients and those just out of hospital.
We pray for medical staff. We pray for depressed people. We pray for tired parents.
We pray for those enslaved by the powers of the world.
May they find in the message of Hagar and Ishmael that core truth:
all are equally honoured, equally loved by God
In your mercy, hear our prayers
In your mercy, hear our prayers

In the name of Christ born of Mary, our lover and liberator.

Jim Kilpatrick, offered for worship Pentecost 3, UCA Anniversary, 21/06/2020