Prayers of Adoration & Confession

What are your experiences of love this week?
I invite you to bring those experiences into the singing of this response during this prayer:

Holy, holy, holy. My heart, my heart adores you!
My heart knows how to say to you:
Holy are you, Lord.

God of love, you call us to love.

You call us to love you with all our heart.

The heart of your love
beats a birthing cry from
a Bethlehem manger,
a cry of life which cries for us.

Help us to love you as you have loved us

Holy, holy, holy. My heart, my heart adores you!
My heart knows how to say to you:
Holy are you, Lord.

You call us to love you with all our soul.

The soul of your love
is Jesus healing, resisting, rising,
standing with the broken,
eating with the marginalised.

Help us to love you as you have loved us.

Holy, holy, holy. My heart, my heart adores you!
My heart knows how to say to you:
Holy are you, Lord.

You call us to love you with all our mind.

The mind of your love is wisdom herself in Christ
teaching, calling,
shaping new community,
breathing new creation.

Help us to love you as you have loved us.

Holy, holy, holy. My heart, my heart adores you!
My heart knows how to say to you:
Holy are you, Lord.

You call us to love you with all our strength.

The strength of your love is the tears of Christ,
the struggle of Christ in the garden,
the agony of Christ on the cross,
Jesus faithfulness, trust and hope.

Help us to love you as you have loved us.

Let us pray as Christ prayed from the heart, soul, mind and strength of love:

Our Father in heaven
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
and with all your soul,
and with all your mind,
and with all your strength.
Do this in response to God’s love for you
spoken in the gracious word of Christ
who says to us all:

Your sin is forgiven.
Thanks be to God

Ian Ferguson, offered for worship 11/11/18, Pentecost 25B

Prayers of the people

As we reflect on Armistice Day and remember all those who have died or been damaged by wars over the centuries, it is hard not to despair at the endless futility of war and its devastating and intergenerational impact on us all.

As the prince of peace, calling us to turn the other cheek and to love our enemies, show us how to be messengers of peace, to reach out to each other in love and to help heal the wounds of so many people impacted by war.

We pray for our first people – knowing that we are on stolen land taken violently from its original custodians through the frontier wars that stain our history. Help us to understand and acknowledge the devastating impact of the countless massacres, dispossession and stolen generations which continues for so many to today.

Prince of Peace, show us how to be part of the healing and reconciliation work that this country needs. To listen to our First Nations people and support their efforts to reclaim their land, rebuild their lives and celebrate the rich and diverse cultures of this country over 60,000 years.

Particularly, this day, we remember all the soldiers, their families and communities and the innocent victims of war,  the lasting impact that has had on generations to follow.  From World War I, II, Korea, Vietnam, and so many seemingly endless conflicts that rage across the Middle East and parts  of Africa and Asia.

We think of all the young men and women who have had their lives cut short over the last 100 years or who have returned home so scarred and damaged by war that they have taken their own lives or struggled to reconnect with their loved ones and reestablish themselves – struggling to rediscover their hopes and dreams.

But we particularly pray for people living in war zones now, powerless to find safety and security for their families. We pray for all the families, who have lost their homes and communities and the millions of people who have had to flee for their lives and seek refuge elsewhere. Forgive us as we put up walls to stop people fleeing violence. Prince of peace show us how to provide refuge and welcome to the victims of war and to be part of the movement for peace across our little blue planet.

Loving God, we pray that our leaders would never forget the horrendous impact of war on our young people, on the communities they serve in and the  massive number of people displaced by violence.

May we choose leaders who want to end wars and who send in trained peacemakers rather than soldiers with guns into places of conflict. We pray for leaders who will always look for peaceful solutions, investing in aid programs and reconciliation efforts to stabilise countries rather that spending more and more money on armaments that foster more violence across the world.

We especially pray for all those who are impacted by that same violence here in Melbourne on Friday. We pray for the families who have experienced loss and trauma from that awful incident in Melbourne at a tram stop we all use. May they be surrounded by your love as they suffer through their loss.

Prince of peace, thank you for the strength and resilience of so many people who have survived the impacts of war. Thank you for those who have found refuge here in Australia and for the gift of hope and determination that they bring to our communities. Show us how to provide welcome and to provide a strong sense of belonging for everyone who joins us in Australia. Help our leaders to know that this is the best way to prevent radicalisation. And to protect us all from violence. May we be bearers of welcome and create places where people can find that sense of belonging, no matter their faith tradition or cultural background.

Show us how to reach out and support communities who are feeling targeted by the impact of a few extreme members of their communities. Protect us from the messages of fear and division that rise up through these times. Help us to be messengers of your love and reconciliation.

Prince of Peace – we pray for your love and your hope to prevail in our lives and across the world.  Amen.

Meredith Budge, offered for worship 11/11/18, Pentecost 25B