Update from the Joint Nominating Committee (JNC) 27.7.23
The JNC was invited to join Church Council in mid July for a mission study session which was led by Presbytery.  It was similar to the one at the AGM, and we also met in small groups and responded to questions.  It was a really good conversation.  This is an important part of preparing the Mission Study report.
The next step for the JNC will be to receive the Mission Study report from Church Council. This will contain important information that will help the JNC prepare the Ministry Profile.  We are meeting on August 2 to begin this task.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact the JNC.
(Claire Keogh, Daniel Broadstock, Kath Williams, Natalie Sims, Payam Pourasghar, Kirsty Bennett)

News on a Voice to Parliament Article #17
Why YES? A personal view

Calmer Workshop
with Joanne van Ravenswaaij, aimed at VCE and Tertiary Students.  Come along on 6th and 13th August and discover how to become more attuned to signs of stress and anxiety, and some practical tips and tools to help ease us into a calmer state.

Find out how you can support the BUC Exhibition
The BUCArts committee is looking forward to welcoming everyone to the Living Colour Exhibition13th-22nd October.  And we need your help to make it happen.  There are lots of opportunities – check out the list and send us an email with your offer – bucarts@gmail.com .

Olive Way FUNdraiser
Join with the people of the Olive Way on Saturday 2nd September for a party and the opportunity to contribute to operating expenses. There will be dancing, art making, an auction and other fiendishly clever ways to help you part with your money. Plan now to come along that night and bring some food and drinks to share. Bring your friends to make up a table and have a great time! Pay on the night – $20 full, $12 concession. We will invite our OW friends at no cost to them. Let Mal know if you have an item to donate for the auction.  BOOK NOW

Changemaker Tour
Join for the launch of the Neighbourhood Circle Nights event at the Melbourne Immigration Museum, the evening of 10th August to celebrate Fair Trade Fortnight as part of the Neighbourhood Circle Nights. Drinks, canapes, on arrival.

Refugees Off PNG and Nauru campaign
Launched in June 2023, this campaign by the Australian Refugee Action Netowrk has the specific aim of getting people who are still trapped in PNG and Nauru to safety here in Australia.  The objectives are for all those on PNG and Nauru to be given the option of being transferred to Australia while awaiting resettlement and to be allowed to live in the community.
We are invited to support this campaign by signing either or both

Such A Fine Sunny Day
An anti-fascist and anti-war song-cycle
 composed by Andy Griffiths presented at St. Paul’s Cathedral, Flinders St. Melbourne on Saturday 25th November.

Climate Action

Read about:  The Effects of Climate Change on Wildlife and Landscapes

Website feature

Pages on the website are updated regularly.  This week we are featuring the Living Colour Exhibition page. Find out how to make a submission and how to help make the exhibition a success.  Have a look and let us know what you think, responses to saide.cameron@bigpond.com

Featuring:  President’s Conference begins, New Act2 Explainer videos, Hearing the wisdom of First Peoples, Q&A with Noel Pearson, Exploring our intercultural identity, Nungalinya College marks 50 years and a great deal more …

Nothing this week

Rev Linley Liersch poses the hopeful question can the Church change? Rev. Fi Bottcher talks about Men’s Shed and the how the small successes bring the most joy. The Voice: What individuals and congregations can do. Uniting op-shop in Glenroy has been renovated for its 50th Birthday. Lay preacher training and events galore. Don’t miss this edition!