Ok, I’ll admit, I’ve been struggling with a bit of writers block for Olive Way’s contribution to this  edition of the Olive Branch. But it’s reminded me of something. I’ll come to that in a moment.

 As you could probably guess, you get to hear some interesting stories from our guests in Olive Way. Over the years I’ve heard many fascinating tales that my guests have regaled me with. Every now and then I’ve thought to myself if only I could capture this, if only I could find a way to share this with the world. So in my monthly contributions to the Olive Branch I’ve tried to do this in a way that is anonymous. Unless of course, one of our guests really wants to share their story with the world; in which case I’ll include their name and perhaps a photo.

However, one of the things that has come up for me a few times is people wanting to not just share their stories, but also to write them. In fact, I’ve had a several requests for a writers’ group over the past couple of years. Not having any particular experience in facilitating such a group I have not felt confident to facilitate this myself. So, how about you? Would any of you reading this with some experience in writing or story telling like to come and offer an hour or two of you time? Monthly? Bi-monthly? Once or twice a year? If so, I’d love to hear from you. I’d truly love for some of these stories that are waiting to be told to be shared. Not by me but by those who have lived them. So, if this triggers a in idea or two in your mind please get in touch with me via the email below.

Peter Blair,
Olive Way Pastor