Worship 25/6, UCA Anniversary

Daniel Broadstock welcomed us to worship on 25th June.  We celebrated the 46th anniversary of the formation of the Uniting Church, lighting a candle for each entwined member of our joined tradition. One for Methodism, one for Presbyterianism, and one for the Congregation Union of Australia. Together, around the Christ candle they make one light.  We reflected on our tradition and our shared stories of membership and mission.

Prayers of Adoration & Confession

Watch or 13:29

God of the journey, travel on with us.
As the spirit hovered over the face of the waters, it flew over the baptism of your son Jesus, it burst into flame for the Apostles, and it sails with us still. Come Holy Spirit, and fill the body of your church with your presence.
God of the long road, we walk under the colours of our shared tradition:

Black – black for mystery, black for the chaos of formless waters of new creation. Black for the dark night of the soul, black for the dark places that yearn for light, black for blindness longing for sight. Black for the night, black for sleep, black for rest.

Red – red for the Spirit. Flame red for Pentecost. Red for new life. Red for food and wine. Red for the body of Christ that walked the hard road of discipleship to the end. Red for the sunset and the dawn. Red for the breakfast fire on the beach. Red for the new day and the breaking in of the Kingdom.

White – white for the new Jerusalem. White for the new heaven and the new earth. White for hope, white for truth. White for the angels that sung choruses over Bethlehem, that rolled away the grave stone. White for the shining robes of Christ’s transfiguration. White for peace and white for the justice of God like foams like waves crashing on the shore.

God of faithfulness, hold us true to our traditions of discipleship together. We trust you, and we trust in the work that you will do through us in times to come.

In the name of Christ,

Word of Grace
Friends, though the mountains may fall and the hills turn to dust,
know that the love of our God will stand.
This is the good news: through Christ, in Christ and because of Christ your sin is forgiven.

Thanks be to God.

Daniel Broadstock, offered for worship 25/6/2023, UCA 46th Anniversary

Prayers of the people

Watch or 55:35

Lord in our lifetime we have witnessed unraveling
In our communities
In our world
In our environment
In our churches
In our nations
There is no sign of this unraveling ending
Or rebinding
Or reforging a path to peace in our world.

As our world unravels
We pray that we would be a people of peace,
Upon the path of discipleship,
Wherever that may lead,
And no matter the cost.

We thank you God for the witness of this church,
And for the Uniting Church in Australia
For the commitment to justice,
Reconciliation, to our natural environment,
For the care of the poor,
And the faithful witness to Christ in the world.

We thank you that despite our faults and imperfections
This witness continues.
We pray that this church and the Uniting Church in Australia
Will continue to weave the threads
of justice
Of reconciliation
Of care for our planet
Into our witness,
Into our lives, our mission,
and into all that we do.
We pray that this thread may help bind the wounds in our world.

For all these things we pray in the name of Jesus,


Peter Blair (Olive Way Pastor), offered for worship 25/06/2023, UCA 46th Anniversary

By |2023-06-26T07:32:45+10:00June 26th, 2023|Categories: BUC Stories, Sunday Worship|0 Comments

About the Author:

I love collecting and sharing the stories of our congregation. Our new website is a wonderful platform for this to happen in a dynamic way. I hope you enjoy exploring the website to find out more about how the BUC congregation tells, shares and celebrates the story of God's love for all creation.

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