Prayers of Adoration & Confession

Watch or 11:47

Prayer of Adoration:
Oh God. We come to worship You
knowing you created us innocent, loving & full of light.
We know your Justice and Truth are everlasting,
there for us all through your innocent Son’s Truth and Sacrifice.

We praise you for giving us your Spirit
so that we can aspire for our hearts to weigh lighter
than a feather on the scales of your loving Justice. W
e praise you that amidst worldly chaos & evil and
in our self-condemnation and frailty, you are our Refuge.

Prayer of Confession:
We are not always innocent.
We are not always sure of what is right.
Yet we can try to do right as we see,
as Jesus was, the innocent unjustly condemned.
We ask for your compassionate forgiveness for us and all.
May we forgive, stand for your Truth,
and thus do what is right despite our weakness & frailty.

Word of Grace:
We can be confident then that in His name,
even with our mistakes, we are loved & cleansed,
we are in Gods Compassion and forgiveness through Jesus Christ.
Thanks be to God.

Jenne Perlstein, offered for worship 20/03/2022, Lent 3C

Prayers of the people

Watch or 1:01:26

At end of the prayers of the people I will invite you to write a word or prayer or draw something on your card and then to place it by one of the paintings near you as a prayer for truth, justice and peace in our world. I will then light the oil burner in the chapel space for us to light our own candles in prayer at the end of the service.

God of truth, we come before you today with troubled hearts.
The world is hurting, both near and far.
We know that you see all, God … but to do we?

From Ukraine to Palestine, we despair
as we hear of the destruction and devastation
brought on by war and conflict.
Families torn apart.  Lives destroyed
All they wanted was peace –
but the oppressors in power only think of their own self-interest.

Closer to home, we range when hear of those
still locked up in hotel detention, after nine long years.
Some were released, recently.
There are still so many imprisoned –
punished for seeking freedom and safety.

We also feel deep anger and heartache
when we hear the stories of climate injustice,

happening to the north of us here.
The floods have once again highlighted the disparately
between the haves and the have nots –
many whose home were lost were already struggling,
and will find it difficult to rebuild.
Coupled with rising cost of living and fuel prices,
for many, it has made a desperate situation far worse.

Our hearts cry out at the injustices of the world,
and we want to help.
Sometimes, though, it feels too overwhelming.
It is too easy to turn our faces away;
to wash our hands of the suffering.
God, grant us courage and compassion
to stand by our beliefs and offer
our hands and hearts to those in need.

Now I invite you to write on your card.
What is the prayer of your heart for our world right now?

Silence for a minute or two while people write.

Please move to one of the paintings near you.
Look into the eyes of Jesus.
What do you see? What do you feel?
Place your prayer card there.

Pure love,
pure truth,
pure justice,

Clare Keogh, offered for worship 20/03/2022, Lent 3C

SONG:  Pure Love, Lyn Bauman and Linnea Good, from More Voices, United Church of Canada, Woodlake Publishing Inc. Reproduced with permission under ONE LICENCE # 604502