Lent 1 – Listening from the place of Temptation

Prayers of Adoration

Wise and ancient God you have travelled with your people
down through the ages through celebration and suffering.
You travel with us in this same way, ever present
always loving beyond our understanding.
We are your people, travelling the journey of faith.
To you we lift our souls in worship and praise.

Jesus, the Beloved you travel with your people
dusty footprints showing the way to follow you.
Baptized in the river Jordan, named by a voice from heaven
you travelled through the wilderness and knew temptation.
We are your people; teach us your way of truth.
To you we lift our souls in worship and praise.

Holy Spirit, dove descending, you tear open the heavens
shaking us from our complacency in astounding ways.
You are the voice naming who and whose we are
reminding us to listen, to follow, to respond, to live.
We are your people, dance and sing with us always.
To you we lift our souls in worship and praise. Amen

Prayers of Confession

offered as a response to God’s word to us

Christ in our weakness we find ourselves caught up
in the world’s way of listening and responding.
We are seduced by busyness, distracted by things.
Help us to listen to your voice calling us to you.
God forgive us for our weakness, have mercy.
O Christ, Lamb of God,
sharing our weakness, our weakness,
have mercy, have mercy

Christ bearer of our failings our hearts are grieving
groaning with despair at the heartless treatment
of vulnerable people and fragile ecosystems.
Help us to listen and respond to the needs of the world.
God forgive us for our failings, have mercy
O Christ, Lamb of God,
bearing our failings, our failings,
have mercy, have mercy.

Christ your share our story and show us a better way
to be engaged in the work of renewing creation.
We are often caught up in the temptations of our daily lives.
Help us to listen, to be aware of all the small ways that we can care.
God forgives us for not noticing, have mercy.
O Christ, Lamb of God,
sharing our story, our story,
oh grant us, grant us your peace.
Oh grant us, grant us your peace. Amen

A voice came from heaven, ‘You are my Son, the Beloved;*
with you I am well pleased.’ Mark 1:9
Listen to this voice, receive the gift of grace
and know that in Jesus name your sins are forgiven.
Thanks be to God. Amen

Saide Cameron, offered for worship, 18/2/18

Prayers of the People

Wise and ancient God, help us to listen.
Help us to listen to the groaning of creation, to the voices of those who grieve.
We pray for our home, this wondrous and miraculous planet we call earth.
We pray for first peoples here in Australia and around the world
who knew and still know how to listen and live in harmony with your creation.
Save us from the temptation of believing that we can take whatever we want.
Help us to be more like the ancestors of this land, living in harmony,
receiving from your bounty and giving of ourselves in response.
Kyrie eleison, kyrie eleison
Kyrie eleison, kyrie eleison

Jesus the Beloved, help us to listen.
Help us to listen to the voices of those whose faith is suffering because of the church.
We pray for people of all faiths, for those who have been abused and betrayed.
We pray for church leaders who proclaim your words of justice, truth and peace
leading us, teaching us, showing us how to listen, serve and love in your name.
Save us from the temptation of thinking that our way is somehow the best.
Help us to follow you, to listen respectfully as we engage with other people
to be your body, the church, proclaiming the good news through our living.
Kyrie eleison, kyrie eleison
Kyrie eleison, kyrie eleison

Holy Spirit, dove descending, help us to listen.
Help us to listen to our community, to be attentive to the needs of others.
We pray for people who are sad, isolated, lonely, grieving, unwell in mind or body.
We pray for groups and organizations that create spaces for listening,
for stories to be told and shared, for hurts to be named and honoured.
Save us from the temptation of trying to be everything to all people.
Help us to be gentle, welcoming, loving, compassionate and kind,
to be a community that says come travel with us, your story is our story. Amen
Kyrie eleison, kyrie eleison
Kyrie eleison, kyrie eleison

Saide Cameron, offered for worship, 18/2/18