Prayers of Adoration & Confession

Watch or 7:29

Through our worship today we will sound a bell to call us to prayer.

Let us pray:

Ian ring bell…

God who breathes through all time and space
You show us our place in creation as you remind us who laid the foundation of the earth.
You challenge our confidence in ourselves,
Our belief in the superiority of our knowledge.
And emphasize the small part we have in the vast diversity of creatures who live on this planet.

Ian ring bell…

Jesus who came to serve
You call us out when we seek status, when we want to demonstrate our own importance.
You show us what leadership means,
What sacrifice is,
How greatness is measured, and what is required of us.

Ian ring bell…

Spirit who gives life to all creatures,
You show us who our neighbors really are, and who we should love and serve:
People near and far,
Creatures large and small
The earth which gives us life.

Ian ring bell…

Forgive us, when we trust in ourselves and in own importance.
Forgive us, when we do not live in your way.
Forgive us, when we do not serve our neighbors.


Word of Grace
Jesus forgives our misguided confidence
and offers us grace, giving his life as ransom for many.
And so in Christ our sin is forgiven.  Thanks be to God.

Kirsty Bennett, offered for worship 17/10/2021, Pentecost 21B

Prayers of the people

Watch or 37:25

During these prayers there will be times of silence marked by the ringing of a bell for you to bring your own prayers to God. Church bells call us to worship and prayer, and today after this service we will be ringing the bell in our tower as a means of sounding the alarm on climate change, calling the world to a response.

Let us pray together.
God who created the universe and all that is in it, we pray for our world.
For those who live in countries or regions that are at war, under the threat of war, or under occupation.
For refugees and for those whose lives are in danger because of their faith, ethnicity, sexuality or gender, particularly for those who are imprisoned here in Australia, or in off-shore detention.
For countries devastated by COVID-19 and for all those who are suffering its effects.
We pray for those who work in healthcare, particularly among people who are most vulnerable.
For leaders and politicians, that they build safer communities for all.
And for all those who work for justice throughout the world.
In your mercy; hear our prayer. 

Bell sounds…

Silence held.

Holy Spirit who spoke through the early church, we pray for our church today.
We give thanks for the life and witness of this congregation, and pray for your guidance as we plan an inclusive way of meeting together after this lockdown.
We pray for all those in leadership within our congregation and for leaders in the Uniting Church: our president Sharon, our Moderator Denise, and our General Secretary Mark.
We pray for all those who work within the church to bring healing and wholeness.
For people who have had trouble connecting with a faith community during this time of lockdown.
And we pray for understanding, respect, and peaceful dialogue between all people of faith.
In your mercy; hear our prayer. 

Bell sounds… 

Silence held.  

Loving Christ, who walks with us on our journey, we pray for our community and those most dear to us.
We pray for all who are sick or unwell, for those who care for them, and for their families.
We pray for those who grieve.
For those who are lonely or in difficult relationships.
For those who are struggling to make ends meet.
For those needing your comfort and healing.
And we remember those closest to us whose struggles we know most deeply.
In your mercy; hear our prayer.

Bell sounds…

Silence held.

We offer these prayers in the name of
the God of the Whirlwind who breathes through all time and space,
Jesus who came to serve, and
the Spirit who gives life to all creatures.

Natalie Sims, offered for worship by Kirsty Bennett, 17/10/2021, Pentecost 21B