Sunday Worship 3/9, Pentecost 14

Saide Cameron welcomed us to worship on 3rd September, Ian’s final service as our minister.  We heard God’s call, God’s call to Moses in his encounter with the burning bush and through Jesus’ words to his disciples.  We celebrated the good news of God’s presence with us and all that this means to us personally and communally as we prepare to move into a time of transition.

During Morning Tea speeches were shared.  Watch and enjoy here.

Prayers of Adoration & Confession

Watch or 10:39

Like Moses before the burning bush, we are on sacred ground.  Breathe deep, loosen your shoulders, feel your feet on the ground and connect with the earth beneath the floor, close your eyes if that is comfortable for you, open your hands and breathe again through your chest and into your belly.  Let us pray to the God who calls us. 

Living God we encounter you in unexpected ways.
We hear you calling to us from the burning bush.
We feel you in the gentle breeze and the raging winds.
We see you in the sun bright sky and rain laden clouds.
You are the source of all life and love and joy.

Jesus, Son of God, you call us to follow you, to take our cross.
We hear your words about suffering and know them to be true.
We feel your love pouring out to heal the whole world.
We see you risen from the tomb, saying our names.
You walk before us, showing the way of love and compassion.

Holy Spirit, breath of life, you sustain us in our living.
We hear you whispering in our hearts, setting them ablaze.
We feel you urging us on, out into the world to love and be loved.
We see you in the faces of family, friends and strangers.
You groan deep within us in prayer for the whole world.

And now as we offer our confessions notice your bodies again, what feels different?  Take a breath now and resettle in your seats, feel your feet again, fold your hands or place them on your hearts.  Let us pray to the God who listens.

Living God our hearts are heavy today for we must say goodbye.
Hold us in our grieving as we celebrate all that we have shared.
Jesus, Son of God our hearts are full today as we remember.
Hold us in our joy in the journey that we have travelled.
Holy Spirit, breath of life, our hearts are overwhelmed today.
Hold us in the wonder of everything that we have done and learnt.

Word of Grace

Speaking to his disciples Jesus said ‘For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it. Matthew 16:25

Let’s open our hearts to the wonder and joy of God’s abundant grace
renewed and ready to follow Jesus, confident that in his Holy Name
our sin is forgiven.  Thanks be to God

Saide Cameron, offered for worship 03/09/2023, Pentecost 14A

Prayers of the people

Watch or 46:17

My name is Clare, and I will be reading the Prayers of the People this morning. After the prayers, I will take the candle to the chapel space, where you may offer your own prayers during the last song or after the service.

God of the in-between spaces. Today, we pray as a community, on the cusp of a big change. We celebrate Ian’s ministry with us, and know that while he takes a well-deserved rest for a few months, we will enter into a time of discernment and transition, awaiting our next minister. Transition processes can be difficult, and sometimes bring up thoughts and emotions we did not expect. Be with us in this time of change.

We call to mind the great changes happening across the world. Extreme weather events are now a feature of the news; the herald and consequence of our rapidly changing climate. The news also tells us of the many ongoing societal upheavals in parts of the world. We pray for the people whose lives have been and will be changed by the struggles for climate justice and democratic freedom.

Closer to home, we reflect on the time of transition and discernment Australia as a whole is currently in. The Voice to Parliament referendum date has been set. In the coming six weeks, there will be a lot of noise to sort through. Many of it will be bitter and divisive, with some using the disguise of debate to further their own agendas, attempting to push us apart at a time when we should be united. As we discern the call of our hearts, give us the grace to speak our truth with courage and kindness.

Finally, we pray for our church community, Brunswick Uniting Church. Help us to look out for and support one another in this time. We pray especially for Cath and Peter, and Jan and Annie, in ministry; the Pastoral Care teams; and the many other groups that contribute to BUC. We also pray for the Joint Nominating Committee, as we continue the discernment process for finding a new minister.

God, you see all that we are. In this time of transition, be with us and all of our messy human emotions as we let go of the old and make space for the new. Help us to cherish the memories and sit in the uncertainty of change, both individually and as a community. Be with us in this time of change.

Clare Keogh, offered for worship 03/09/2023, Pentecost 14A

By |2023-09-03T19:58:48+10:00September 3rd, 2023|Categories: BUC Stories, Sunday Worship|Tags: , |0 Comments

About the Author:

I love collecting and sharing the stories of our congregation. Our new website is a wonderful platform for this to happen in a dynamic way. I hope you enjoy exploring the website to find out more about how the BUC congregation tells, shares and celebrates the story of God's love for all creation.

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