Sunday worship 21/1, Epiphany 3

Amelia welcomed us to worship on 21st January.  We explored Jesus’ call to follow him and share the good news, and what that might mean for our community.

Prayers of Adoration & Confession

Watch or 6:39

As part of the prayers this morning the musicians will sing a Taize chant, please join them if you would like to.

SONG:  Let all who are thirsty come
Let all who are thirsty come.
Let all who wish receive
the water of life freely.
Amen, come Lord Jesus.
Amen, come Lord Jesus

Let us pray

Loving God, who offers us freedom,
In our actions you connect us to the living waters of creation
Forgive us for for the ways we are not moving with that connection
and encourage us to listen for the ways that your living world needs our love.

Jesus, who calls us to follow,
Through our hands we can feel the spirit of our shared humanity
Forgive us for neglecting to acknowledge the dignity of each person.
Lead us to support justice and understanding for all people.

Holy Spirit, who calls us to love,
As we share with others you show us knowledge that is beyond our own experience.
Forgive us for closing our minds to new ways of being.
Remind us to turn towards others with interest and kindness.

Word of Grace
Believe the good news that comes from God: in Christ we are forgiven.
Thanks be to God.

  Let all who are thirsty come.
Let all who wish receive
the water of life freely.
Amen, come Lord Jesus.
Amen, come Lord Jesus

Amelia Ware, offered for worship 21/01/2024, Epiphany 3B

SONG:  Let all who are thirsty come, © Ateliers et Presses do Taize, WORD OF LIFE

Prayers of the people

Watch or 38:19

I am Jenne with POP. We will have spoken prayer then time of silence for your own reflection. At the end of the prayer I will take the candle to the back Chapel so you may light a taper for your prayers at the end of the service. Let us pray.

We hear the story of Jesus, Wisdom Incarnate …..The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news………..

O God of many names….. In this life of complexity with the push and pull of many voices, desires, pressures, roles, responsibilities, grinding repetition, society’s false images, wanting to belong, to be liked …..when it is ’too much, too much’……….help us to hear the call from you Jesus ,to be as ‘fisher folk’ called to the path of good news. Give us clear minds to re-pent, to re-turn, to rearrange our thinking, feelings and be transformed’* and return to the real life of God through simple wisdom and compassion.  In the quiet of Christ / Spirit /True Wisdom within, help us to move beyond ourselves, to hear the call to love, to return to the simplicity you offer and be human just human. This is good news.

Listen to that call in silence for a moment .

As we move out into community and as part of the church and other communities of spiritual light, prompt us to your call Jesus to ‘drop it all’, to pull out, pull away from our grind, roles and false selves. So that God you can guide us to be the fisherfolk, in covenant to be beside the bloodied, the wounded, the grief stricken just as we are all bloodied and wounded ourselves. In fishing for people, we heal ourselves, we find ourselves. Call us loudly and as we call others to be fully present in love and compassion especially those with mental health, aging, loneliness wounds. May we offer presence and model the good news.

Be in silence as we call God to heal and open hearts to the good news of re -turn and turn around.

The world we look at with despair. Yet God you call us to ‘fish’ as we are, all fisher folk together, called by the wise Christ, to serve and enable the turn around so war will cease. Please God please turn around Israel and Gaza’s, Yemen’s, Ukraine’s powerful players. May all those who kill for land, for ideology having lost the core of simple faith, who act from fear yet manifest terror, control, greed, having to be right, having power over, hear the call and re-pent, re-turn. Help us to be the fishers of folk, calling & acting for a better way, embrace togetherness, letting go of the fear and control.  We pray for those fishers of folk who serve in the floods and feel the impacts of climate change. May they know your love & see a re-turn in us as humans so that the Earth becomes Eden again.

Be in silence as we feel the good news penetrating hearts & minds of the powerful and see the re-turn.

In Jesus name we pray.   Amen.

Jenne Persltein, offered for worship 21/01/2024, Epiphany 3B

By |2024-01-21T12:19:06+11:00January 21st, 2024|Categories: BUC Stories, Sunday Worship|Tags: , |0 Comments

About the Author:

I love collecting and sharing the stories of our congregation. Our new website is a wonderful platform for this to happen in a dynamic way. I hope you enjoy exploring the website to find out more about how the BUC congregation tells, shares and celebrates the story of God's love for all creation.

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