Sunday Worship 14/4, Easter 3

Amelia Ware welcomed us to worship on 14th April.  We explored the humanity of Jesus and the importance of both the body and the spirit in our relationship with God.

Prayers of Adoration & Confession

Watch or 7:18

SONG:  Peace, Salaam, Shalom

1. Peace salaam, shalom,
Peace salaam, shalom,
Peace salaam, shalom,
Peace salaam, shalom.

2. We believe in peace…

Wonderous God of Creation,
As we work for the healing of the earth and the life it holds,
Forgive us for not sharing what we could to reduce the burden of our consumption.
Remind us that we were made in your image,
You are both three parts and one whole,
Let us seek to give an equal place to all the parts that form creation.

Jesus, leading us towards new life,
As we try to support the wellbeing of habitats and societies,
Forgive us for the ways we have not supported the vulnerable
Remind us of your example of living fully through your body
and enable us to give new life to one another.

Holy Spirit, loving presence,
Forgive us for neglecting the knowledge we are given through our bodies.
Forgive us when we think that it does not matter how we feel or what we can sense.
Help us to listen through our bodies for ourselves and through the body of our community,
to allow us to follow in the ways of Jesus and to seek justice and peace for all within your creation.


3. We will work for peace…

4. We can live in peace…

5. We believe in peace…

Word of Grace          
Believe the good news that comes from God: Christ came that we may have life, and life in all its fullness.
Through Christ, in Christ, and because of Christ, our sin is forgiven.
Thanks be to God.

Amelia Ware, offered for worship 21/04/24, Easter 3B

SONG:  Peace, Salaam, Shalom © 2001 Pat Humphries and Sandy Opatow.
Moving Forward Music BMI

Prayers of the people

Watch or 36:24

At the conclusion of the prayers and after the service, there will be an opportunity to light a taper in the chapel space. In today’s Prayers of the People, there will also be times of silence for us each to offer our own prayers, the prayers that are on our hearts.  Let us pray:

Risen Christ, God with us:
We bring our prayers for the world, the church and the community to you.

As we look around, check social media and watch TV, we see much to pray for.

We see wars, some which have been going on for years and others for months.
We see destruction, death, injury, cruelty and famine.
We pray for Gaza, Sudan, Ukraine, Yemen and we hold these and other places before you now.
Risen Christ, bring justice, bring peace.

We see family violence and violence against women.
We mourn the loss of these women, and pray for their families, t
heir friends and communities who will always live with an empty place at their tables.
We hold these people before you now.
Risen Christ, bring comfort, bring peace.

We see the need for leadership.
We listen in dismay as one country’s misery is talked about in terms of election opportunities in another.
We see one person’s heartache and tragedy exploited for another’s political gain.
We hold this need for leadership before you now.
Risen Christ, bring leadership, bring peace.

We see the need for leadership and discernment among faith communities,
for voices to call for peace, and for justice.
We see the need for people to speak for those who have no voice,
who cannot be heard, or are not listened to.
We hold this need for discernment before you now.
Risen Christ, bring wisdom, bring peace.

We see suffering in illness and grief, in homelessness and in poverty.
We hold this suffering before you now.
Risen Christ, bring healing, bring peace.

You came, and stood, and ate with the disciples and you come to us too.
You know pain and suffering.
You know what it is to feel separated from God and feel no hope:
you are the one who cried out from the cross ‘My God, my God why have you forsaken me?’.
We know you were not forsaken.
And God does not forsake the world.

Living Christ
Come to us and to the world today.
Bring healing, bring peace.  Amen.

Kirsty Bennett, offered for worship 14/04/2024, Easter 3B

By |2024-04-14T14:33:58+10:00April 14th, 2024|Categories: BUC Stories, Sunday Worship|Tags: , |0 Comments

About the Author:

I love collecting and sharing the stories of our congregation. Our new website is a wonderful platform for this to happen in a dynamic way. I hope you enjoy exploring the website to find out more about how the BUC congregation tells, shares and celebrates the story of God's love for all creation.

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