See the Easter 5 Ministry Stories post for other details about this worship service.

Prayers of Adoration & Confession

Watch or 6:10

In you, O Lord, I found refuge; let me nevermore be put to shame.

God we praise you for being a loving God we can abide in and that You abide in us.
You make room for us, many rooms for all shapes, sizes, ways of being, without a home, without a country, solo, with many kin, those without land, those taken from their land …
thus you abide as in Jesus words ‘Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me’…

We praise you for the rest, comfort, loving presence and just being when we abide in You.
We praise you for the gift of you abiding in us … we just need to ‘re-member.’
We too are ‘a house’… every morning a new arrival, some momentary awareness
comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all!
The visitor may be clearing you out for some new delight’.                     Adapted from Jalaluddin Rumi

God Abide with us today, let us sense the abiding of you within,
resting in your house of many rooms.

Let us Pause in that abiding for a moment ……

Let us pray our prayer of confession

O God, We need your forgiveness for not abiding in you enough,
for not pausing and sensing your love and being within us.
Forgive us when we do not claim this abiding right for ourselves and for all.
For you are waiting with the doors of the many rooms open.
See our regret when we have not opened the door enough
for those without a house or a room.
May those with rooms and houses, that place profit above a home for all,
open their doors & rooms and be forgiven.
In abiding, may we be strengthened by you, O God,
to speak out so that all may have a literal and spiritual place to abide.


Word of Grace
This is the best of all:
when we are empty, God fills us;
when we are disheartened,
God is compassionate;
when we are wounded, God brings healing;
when we take responsibility, and commit to heal our human mistakes,
by God’s liberating and gracious love, we are transformed
so that we may do God’s will in love and praise.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord we are restored.

In Christ, through Christ and because of Christ, we are forgiven.
Thanks be to God.

Jenne Perlsten, offered for worship 07/05/2023, Easter 5A

In you O Lord, Words and music by John Bell © 1993 The Iona Community/Wild Goose Publications, Glasgow, UK. From Psalms of Patience, Protest and Praise. Used with permission under ONE LICENCE # 604502.

Prayers of the people

Watch or 44:35

God our strong tower, you are a refuge for all who suffer,
Our hearts are troubled and we pray for your justice to reign in this world and in our country.
We continue to pray for Ukraine and Russia, Israel and Palestine, for Sudan, Thailand and Nigeria, and all places at war or where there is political unrest.
We continue to pray for the people of Syria and Turkey displaced by the earthquake, for those displaced by flooding in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and for all those who are homeless.
We pray for the continuing work towards better recognition for indigenous people here in Australia, and around the world. We pray for clear thinking and open hearts as all Australians consider their response to Voice to Parliament and for the continuing work of the Yoorook Justice Commission.
We pray for all refugees seeking asylum.
We place these before you, our refuge and our rock.
In your mercy
Hear our prayer.

Spirit of truth, we pray for your church, as we seek to be a refuge for others,
For our community here at Brunswick: for Ian, Cath, and Peter,
for our council and committees and for all who lead our work together.
For the broader church, especially for those churches and communities
who are divided and in need of your wisdom.
For those harmed by the church or by people within it, that their concerns will be heard and responded to, that their wounds will be healed, and that they will find a place of belonging.
We pray for all churches and all Christians, as we wrestle with our place in society.
As we seek to bring about change, may we seek always to be the voice of Christ,
rather than the voice of Empire.
May we be your people, a refuge and rock.
In your mercy
Hear our prayer.

Suffering Christ, we pray for all those who need you, and need us, to be a refuge for them,
We pray for those who are sick, and for all those who support and care for them.
Bring healing, bring wisdom, bring peace.
We pray for those who mourn. Bring comfort and community.
We pray for those in prison, their families, and for prison chaplains.
We pray for all those we meet in our daily lives.
May we be inspired to proclaim your gospel in all that we do.
Help us to support those who need it, and to be strong to speak out when we see injustice.
Help us to be for others a living refuge and rock.
In your mercy
Hear our prayer.

Natalie Sims, offered for worship by Shawn Whelan, 07/05/2023, Easter 5A