Prayers of Adoration & Confession


God of the prophets, we hear your voice
calling to us down through the ages – repent.
You created us in love and constantly remind us
that your love enfolds all people, that you are our home.
We turn to you, we love you, we praise you.

Jesus, Son of God, we hear your voice
revealing to us the glory of God’s love.
You call us to follow you, to fish for people
lighting within us your holy fire of compassion.
We turn to you, we love you, we adore you.

Holy Spirit, dove descending, we hear your voice
proclaiming blessing, celebrating God’s great love.
We know your presence in our lives
calming us, encouraging us, sending us out.
We turn to you, we love you, we breathe with you.  Amen

God of the prophets forgive us for the times
when we fail to listen to the prophets of our age.
Help us to listen with open ears and willing hearts,
to be agents of change, to live in your future now.

Jesus, Son of God, forgive us for the times
when we stumble as we seek to follow your call.
Help us to remember that we are not alone
that we are a community of love working together.

Holy Spirit, dove descending, forgive us for the times
when we struggle to believe that we are worthy.
Help us to claim the hope that we have in you
as we work for peace and justice for all creation.  Amen

Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, and saying,
‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.’

Hear this good news – in the name of Jesus, Son of God, the one who calls us
‘Our sins are forgiven’.  Thanks be to God. Amen

Saide Cameron, offered for worship 24/1/21, Epiphany 3B

Prayers of the people


Ruach, desert-summer wind: God
Who meanders, then forces, through desert, bush, lives
We pray for the world: may the summer wind of the new year bring rest, hope, joy.
We pray for healing, new beginnings.
May we all be safe from the virus and may a vaccine come, rebuilding lives, families, workplaces.

In your mercy, hear our prayers: we breathe in summer air, we breathe out
In your mercy, hear our prayers: we breathe in summer air, we breathe out

We pray for the church: buildings sheltering us from baking summer heat.
May exhausted congregations looking for direction, seeking inspiration, find ways to lead and inspire.
May the Church observe a Day of Mourning, with insight, warmth and compassion.

In your mercy, hear our prayers: we breathe in summer air, we breathe out
In your mercy, hear our prayers: we breathe in summer air, we breathe out

We pray for those in need.
May those recovering from last year find hope in summer skies, better employment, friendships.
May those who have felt disconnected start to reconnect to family, work, community, spirit.
May they discern which leader to follow, and change their lives if they feel called.

We keep in our hearts those who have been released from detention this week,
as they settle into new joys as well as new challenges.
We pray for those who remain locked up and in pain –
may they feel strengthened by your love, and may soon know freedom.

In your mercy, hear our prayers: we breathe in summer air, we breathe out
In your mercy, hear our prayers: we breathe in summer air, we breathe out

In the name of Christ, the wind moving waves, blowing desert sand, lifting birds to the sky.

Jim Kilpatrick, offered for worship 24/1/21, Epiphany 3B