Prayers of Adoration & Confession

Watch or 4:41

God, Maker of all that is, your steadfast love is beyond our understanding.
Your loving safeguards the wonder and beauty of creation
even as we close our eyes to the untold damage wrought by humanity.
Forgive us, help us to see what you see.

Jesus, our Saviour, your love and compassion is extraordinary.
Your loving is leading you to the Cross, deserted and alone
and we are overwhelmed by your suffering and of so many others.
Forgive us, help us to reach out with compassion.

Holy Spirit, breath of love and life, you sustain us through all our days.
Your loving weaves through our words and our actions
enabling us and shaping us as we seek to follow Jesus.
Forgive us when we stumble, lift us up again and set us free.Amen

Word of Grace
Peter, Jesus’ faithful disciple, denies him three times.
Remembering what Jesus said, he goes out and weeps bitterly,
but we know that the story doesn’t end there.
Grace and mercy and love abounds even in the face of death.
We can be confident then, that in the name of Jesus, Saviour and Shepherd,
our sin is forgiven.
Thanks be to God, Amen.

Saide Cameron, offered for worship, 19/03/2023, Lent 4A

Prayers of the people

Watch or 49:04

God our maker we pray for the world, the earth and all people who live on her.
We are thankful for people everywhere working for peace and justice,
seeking out new ways to sustain our planet, new ways to create harmony.
We pray for all who suffer the loss of home, land, food, health, life and livelihood
as the result of the blindness, greed and arrogance of those in power.
May leaders of all nations be moved to listen, to work together
for the good of all people, all living things and all creation.

Jesus our Saviour we pray for the church, your body, glorious in diversity.
We are thankful for people everywhere working for peace and justice,
opening doors, welcoming strangers, celebrating your abundant love.
We pray for all who suffer for their faith, living in fear and uncertainty
and for all who have been hurt or harmed through ignorance or neglect.
May church leaders everywhere be guided by your compassion and mercy
so that all people will know themselves, loved and welcome and free.

Holy Spirit, sustaining breath we pray for our community.
We are thankful for the many opportunities to work for peace and justice,
calling us out of our safe spaces to follow Jesus on the way to the cross.
We pray for all who are grieving, ill, lonely, disillusioned, lost and hungry
and for all who work to create a space for healing and welcome and grace.
May your mission shape our work, may your love shape our living
so that we may be your voice, your hands, your eyes and ears in this place.

Saide Cameron, offered for worship by Ray Cameron, 19/03/2023, Lent 4A