All members of the Uniting Church community are invited to read the discussion paper called: “How can the Synod reach net zero emissions by 2040?” and respond, if they wish, by Monday 29th May 2023. A report will then be produced, based on the responses, and presented to the Synod meeting in November 2023.

So, whether or not you were able to join the Climate Action Group after worship on 30th of April to reflect on the discussion paper, you are invited to write your personal response.

Read the discussion paper or, if you don’t have time, read the four page Executive Summary sheet.

Electrify Everything in May! Events and resources to going all-electric

Throughout May, Merri-bek City Council is highlighting how residents can electrify their homes and reap the benefits of clean energy.  Going all-electric is better for your hip pocket and the environment. It’s also the healthiest option for your home and family.  You don’t have to do it all at once. Take time to make a plan so that when appliances like hot water need replacing, you’re ready to make the switch.  Keep reading to learn about the events, resources and Merri-bek residents who have gone all-electric.  Electrify Everything is a campaign being delivered by councils across Australia.