Worship is at the heart of who we are.
We worship at 9:30am on Sundays.
We celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday each month.

We are continuing to live-stream the service on YouTube for those who prefer to continuing worshipping from home.

Find out how to get here.

We share our buildings with the Brunswick Indonesian Uniting Church.

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Worship this week

More about worship at BUC

Children and teenagers are a really important part of our community.

Music shapes the flow of our worship and enhances the sacred space.

We believe that worship is enriched when we engage all our senses, and so we welcome and value the contribution of a wide range of creative arts in worship.

We regularly observe these two defining symbolic rituals (sacraments) of the Christian faith.

We are now meeting via a WhatsApp group on Tuesday and Thursday at 9 amContact Richard Arnold on 0407 796 429 to join the WhatsApp group. Read more

Being an inclusive community

We seek to be a welcoming, open and inclusive congregation. Respect for each person’s individual experience of God is of the utmost importance as is the safety of children and vulnerable adults.  We encourage and support the participation of people of all ages and abilities in the leadership of worship.

We are aware of the power of words to shape our world. Therefore we seek to use language that is inclusive of all, including a variety of images of God some of which will be feminine.

When reading the Bible during worship we use the New Revised Standard Version which uses inclusive language.

Goals for 2023

  • Continue to explore the livestream and in person experience.
  • Nurture new people: participation in liturgy, prayer leaders.
  • Provide whole congregation worship education.
  • Explore engagement with children & youth in worship.
  • Encourage liturgists to create/offer reflective and embodied worship.
  • Engage with neuro diverse members to make worship more accessible.
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