Throughout the season of Lent we have been exploring the overarching theme of covenant, God’s promise of faithful love. This week, Lent 5, we heard God’s promise to Jeremiah ‘I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people’.   And we celebrated our Pastoral Care ministry of Hospitality, Compassion and Community as a review report is released this week (see below).

Pastoral Care Review Report
Many of us participated in interviews for the review of our Pastoral Care ministry late last year. The report produced by the Review Team has been received and adopted by Church Council and is now available to be read. We will celebrate our Pastoral Care ministry in worship this Sunday.
The report is available here. It responds to our Pastoral Care Vision Document from 2014 (link) with its themes of Hospitality, Compassion and Community

Holy Week worship

Throughout Holy Week we will be using symbols derived through Lent from stories of God’s covenant love and promise to inspire our prayer and worship – the rainbow of hope, the stars of promise, the stones of groundedness, the snakeskin of growth and the heart of love.