Throughout the season of Lent we will be exploring the overarching theme of covenant, God’s promise of faithful love.  The stories offered invite us to reflect on how the covenant is expressed in our life and in our faith.  Today we listened as God establishes the covenant with Noah and sets a bow in the clouds.  We were reminded in Mark’s Gospel that Jesus is God’s Beloved Son just before he is driven out into the wilderness.

Worship – Lent 2

Next Sunday Peter Blair, our Olive Way Pastor, will be preaching.  Dave Hall, our CYYA pastor will lead the service with members of our Student House Program.  We will bless the young people and commit to praying and supporting each other in the year ahead.

Ian will be involved in the meeting of Synod this coming week.  He asks that you hold the meeting in prayer.  Find out more – Like Leaven in the Loaf – Synod 2021, 26-28/2