Prayers of Adoration & Confession

May our lives and our prayers be one
As our hopes shape the roads we walk on
And when our work and our dreaming’s done
May our lives and our prayers be one

Creator God,
You choose the poor of the world to be rich,
and to be heirs of the Kingdom that you promise to those who love you.
You give us a vision of a new heaven and earth.

Loving Jesus,
You show us what the commandment to love your neighbour as yourself means.
You call us to include everyone, and to show kindness and mercy.
You offer healing to all
and show us how to work for a better world.

Life giving Spirit,
You bring hope where all seems lost,
You give health to the sick
and new life to the dying.

May our lives and our prayers be one
As our hopes shape the roads we walk on
And when our work and our dreaming’s done
May our lives and our prayers be one

Creator God, Loving Jesus, Life giving Spirit,

Forgive us when do not help the poor,
when we do not take action,
when we do not make the Kingdom we believe in a reality now.

Forgive us when we show partiality,
when we favour someone because of who they are,
and judge someone else by their clothes.

Forgive us when we do not offer hope, or live in hope,
when we do not believe you can give life,
when we do not live out our faith.

May our lives and our prayers be one
As our hopes shape the roads we walk on
And when our work and our dreaming’s done
May our lives and our prayers be one

Jesus offers life to all.
And so we can say in confidence ‘Our sin is forgiven’.
Thanks be to God

Kirsty Bennett, offered for worship, 9/9/18, Pentecost 16

Prayers of the people

We pray Peace for the lands where bombs fall and bullets fly, destroying lives.
For the angry, the displaced and the dispossessed
we pray Peace and comfort, hope and forgiveness.

We pray for our world.
For land ravaged by earthquakes with earth that heaves and shakes and slides,
we pray Peace for terrified people and animals.

For lands where the rain and winds don’t stop
and the floods wipe away towns and people.
We pray Peace and safety.

We pray for rain.
Soft and gentle rain that falls for days and soaks into the thirsty soil,
so the grass will grow to feed animals and the people.
We pray Peace and hope.

For land where fire rages through forest and farmland
and consumes the very air we breathe. We pray Peace.

For the lost, lonely, sick, old, dying, we pray for love
and the comfort of helping and healing hands.

Creator God, we pray that you open our eyes to see this wonderful world
of beauty,  oceans, rivers, mountains, happiness, and joy.
But to also see, the degrading of our earth, sorrow, anger, weakness, and helplessness.

Open our ears to hear music and laughter but also
to hear the lost and the cries of the overlooked and forgotten.

Open our hearts that we don’t ignore or fail to see
those who are excluded and favour the privileged.

Open our lives that we reflect and live out our faith and our belief in you.

We pray these things In the name of Jesus the source of our peace.


Helen Burnham, offered for worship, 9/9/18, Pentecost 16