Prayers of Adoration & Confession

The livestream commenced at Blessing of the Animals so these prayers were not recorded.

Creator God you have provided us with many blessings
animals, fish, birds, creatures in glorious abundance
all shaping and enriching our lives beyond our understanding
We turn to you with wonder-filled hearts seeking to be
a people who live in harmony with all creation.

Jesus, Son of God, you remind us of who we called to be –
the light of the world, proclaiming your good news.
Following you with light-filled hearts, we seek to be
a people who grow the things that are of God’s reign
the gifts of hope, peace and love for all the world.

Holy Spirit, joyful breath, you lift us up and send us out
to walk alongside the marginalised, the silent world,
people and creatures without voice, in need of our support and care.
We feel your breath in our bodies and our souls as we seek to
bring healing and justice in the places that we live, work and play.

Creator God, Son of God, Holy Spirit we offer our confessions:
We are often busy and fail to celebrate the glory of your creation.
We are often overwhelmed by the challenge of following you.
We are often burdened by the trouble and turmoil in our world.
We hide our light, cover it up, dwell in our sorrows.
Forgive us.  Help us to always seek out the good in the world
to dwell in the world, to work for the welfare of all.  Amen

Word of Grace
The Apostle Paul writes ‘God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work’.

We can be assured that through God’s abundant grace
and in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ
our sin is forgiven
Thanks be to God.  Amen

Saide Cameron, offered for worship 9/10/2022, Blessing of the Animals

Blessing of the Animals

Watch or 10:55

Blessed are you, our God, creator of all living things.
You called forth fish in the sea, birds in the air and animals on the land,
and made them our siblings, one family together.
God bless the animals who are our companions.
God bless the animals who live around us, sharing our city.
God bless the animals who feed us.
God bless the animals whose very existence is threatened.
God bless all your beloved creatures.
By the power of your love, enable them to live life in its fullness.
and bless us to value them and praise you for their wonder.
Blessed are you, our God, in all your creatures! Amen

Ian Ferguson, offered for worship, 9/10/2022, Blessing of the Animals

Prayers of the people

Watch or 41:33

God of all that is, we pray for our world,
for all the people and creatures and lands
suffering from our lack of care and attention.
Give us the strength to seek out their welfare
to work for justice for all.

Jesus, light of the world, we pray for your church,
for all who would follow you on the path of peace,
and for leaders and peoples of all faiths seeking to speak and live truth.
Give us hearts of compassion as we seek the welfare of this city
and of the world you love so much.

Holy Spirit, we pray for our community
honouring the gifts you have blessed us with,
and seeking your blessing for the animals
who shape our lives in myriad and wonderful ways.
Help us to seek out ways to be their voice in the world.

Saide Cameron, offered for worship by Ray Cameron, 9/10/2022, Blessing of the Animals