Prayers of Adoration & Confession

Watch or 7:22

Wait for the Lord
whose day is near,
wait for the Lord,
keep watch, take heart

Life giving God, great mother who opens her heart to us,
Guide us to the workings of wisdom in your creation,
Let us hear your song in the ground beneath our feet
and see the colours you weave all around us.

Jesus, our friend who nourishes us and waits for us,
Teach us to understand the knowledge you are trying to give us.
Open our minds to different ways of perceiving our own actions and those of others.
Show us how to nurture understanding in our communities.

Holy Spirit, flowing within us and through us,
Continue to push us toward the path of peace.
Encourage us not to fear our own ignorance.
Lend insight to our understanding; expand our questions and our ways of knowing.

In our hearts we confess, our God,
to the times we have listened to the loudest voice, rather than the wisest,
to ignoring knowledge that does not suit our own inclinations,
and to becoming complacent in our own views
Let us continue to seek you and remember that we are your people,

Wait for the Lord
whose day is near,
wait for the Lord,
keep watch, take heart

As we watch for the morning,
believe the Good News that comes from God: In Christ we are forgiven.
Thanks be to God

Amelia Ware, offered for worship 08/08/2021, Pentecost 11B

SONG:  Wait for the Lord, © Ateliers et Presses do Taize, WORD OF LIFE

Prayers of the people

Watch or 43:15

Benevolent God, source of creativity and love

We pray for the World: may wise leaders have hearts open with wisdom and compassion.
May caring professionals see and hear the facts and the truth.
May caring friends really see us, really hear us, in times of crisis.

In your mercy, hear our prayers
We feel our feet on the ground. We wait, quietly, for a warmer, gentler season.

We pray for the church. May new Uniting Church leaders have ears to hear all our voices.
May they have eyes to see the poor and suffering.
May leaders of this and other churches find their hearts opened
to the suffering, and wonder, of the world.

In your mercy, hear our prayers
We feel our feet on the ground. We wait, quietly, for a warmer, gentler season.

We pray for those in need.
May those worried about the physical health of loved-ones, feel supported.
May those worried about the mental health of loved-ones, find hope.
May we draw closer to each other. May we journey together.
May we have eyes to see where we can help.
May we have ears to hear those who suffer.
May we find our hearts opened to Christ’s new way.

In your mercy, hear our prayers
We feel our feet on the ground. We wait, quietly, for a warmer, gentler season.

In the name of Christ, leader and friend, offering us love; broken, yet, unbreakable.

Jim Kilpatrick, offered for worship by Amelia Ware, 08;/08/2021, Pentecost 11B