Prayers of Adoration & Confession

Watch or 10:00

Creator God, we take delight in your law, and the words of the prophets,
We know that you desire justice for all,
And that you see the hearts of all people.
You do not give special honour to the wealthy or the powerful,
But have the most love for those who are most in need.

Jesus, Christ who came to fulfil the law and all that the prophets foretold,
We know that you desire justice for all,
And that you see the hearts of all people.
You did not come as an earthly ruler,
But came to challenge a powerful empire with your compassion:

Spirit of God, who fills us with grace, mercy and righteousness
We know that you desire justice for all,
And that you see the hearts of all people.
You do not come to make us rich in money or prestige,
But give us steady hearts, so that we may shine light in the darkest of places.

Creator, Christ and Holy Spirit,
We know that you delight in a world of equality and sufficiency.
And that we, as people, as a nation, and as a world, fall short of this.
We see the growing divide between rich and poor,
We watch as nations tear each other apart over access to land,
We have failed to repair the damage done by our violent national history.
While some have much, others struggle to make ends meet.
While some are healthy, others struggle with low life expectancy.
While some our honoured, others are left out.
God forgive us.
Forgive us for the parts we play in a world that is unfair.
Forgive us when we seek praise for what we have done,
but are blind to what we have not done.
God forgive us.
Help us to let go of our burdens and our sorrow.
Open our eyes, and lead us in a better way.
Give us courage, and show us what we can do to shine our light in places of darkness.

Siblings in Christ, God chooses to release the bonds of injustice,
to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke.
God does not want us to be burdened, but, through the Spirit,
empowers us to live lives of generosity, hospitality, and justice.
Through Christ, in Christ, and because of Christ, our sin is forgiven.
Thanks be to God

Natalie Sims, offered for worship, 05/02/2023, Epiphany 5A

Prayers of the people

Watch or 44:44

Light of the world,
You have shined your presence into the hidden places of our hearts,
You have illuminated the hidden regions of our hearts,
You have filled us with new vision,
New sight.
Through your word you have enabled us to see what you see,
To care for the things that you care for,
For the people that you care for,
For the world that you love.

You have called us to be salt,
To preserve, to sustain, to protect.
May we be a people who care for those around us,
The poor,
The vulnerable,
The stranger,
The asylum seeker,
Those struggling with addictions and mental illness
Help us to reach out in love, compassion, and advocate for them.

We pray for our planet,
         that groans under the weight of neglect, exploitation, and devastation,
From greed, war, pollution, and indifference.
Spark in us a sense of hope that we can be part of the change that is needed
to protect and preserve the planet.
Let us not be overwhelmed by the need,
but act within our power to change,
and encourage others to change.

We pray also for Cath as she commences her new role with us,
We pray she would be salt and light for this community,
For the children and youth,
For the parents,
For the students.
We pray that Cath will feel supported and nourished by the team,
And the committees that work with her.
We pray that she will find sustainable rhythms for family, work, and life,
that are nourishing and fulfilling for her and her family.
We ask that today as she is ordained, she will know the strength or your spirit
sustaining and sending her,
But most importantly may she feel held in your love as
as she steps into this new phase of her life.
Bless Cath and her family.

For these things we pray in the name of Jesus,

Peter Blair, offered for worship by Ruth Sandy, 05/02/2023, Epiphany 5A