Prayers of Adoration & Confession

Wondrous being,
who speaks to us in the every day miracle of creation,
help us to know that you speaking to us.
Help us to have ears to hear your language,
eyes to see the burning,
voices to let others know that they are divine,
and hearts to know that we are too.

When we hear, and see,
and feel the darkness and pain
in the world you have created,
we confess that we are not always
able to be open to your miracles.
At times it is easier and more human
to turn away and dwell on our wounds
that make us tired and untrusting.
Gently hold us as a parent holds their child,
help us to feel light and open to see your spirit,
the energy in the flames Moses witnessed
in the burning bush,
the honesty and loyalty in Paul’s letter to the Romans.

Through your eternal miracle of new life,
we feel our pain, our trauma, our sorrows,
and still we receive your joy and grace.  Amen

Hear the word of miracles:
Our sin is forgiven. Thanks be to God.

Anika Jensen, offered for worship 3/9

Prayer of the People

Creator of love and light,
we, the people, come to you
our hearts are grey with doubt,
We have seen hate and anger,
and we feel the need to shout,
To throw our fists,
in the face of wrath,
or even worse, at other times,
to look away.
Is this my role, we ask ourselves,
to smile against the winds of change
as they rage across the sky?

Creator of love and light,
shine your warmth upon the mirror,
wherein we see our faces,
helping us to recognise the
patience that shines gently from within,
blow lovingly upon the fires of our passion,
that we may open up our
arms, to hold the hands of those
who tremble,
And move forward into our
daily lives knowing that it’s
you who we resemble.

Creator of love and light,
fill us with your presence,
and help us to understand that
the only answer.

Hear the prayers of the people.

Kylie Doust, offered for worship 3/9