Prayers of Adoration & Confession

Christmas God, with all creation,
our hearts are filled with love,
as Christ is born and we hold you
in your vulnerability.

Our hearts are filled with amazement,
as Christ grows through childhood
and we see your wisdom.

Our hearts are filled will awe,
as Christ continues obedient
to your saving will in adulthood.

We are aware, dear God,
that while you are close to us
in love, wisdom and grace,
we are not always close to you.
We acknowledge who we are
and ask that you would help us to grow
and to know you as Christ knew you.

Let us pray as Christ taught us:

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever. Amen.

God is wise and God is merciful,
God knows our hearts and God hears our cry.
God comes to search for us in the birth of Christ.
And God leads us home.

Hear Christ’s word of grace:
Your sin is forgiven.
Thanks be to God.

by Ian Ferguson, offered for worship, Christmas 1, 30/12

Prayers of the people

I will pray with a few words, then we will pause to breathe.  Neshama is the Hebrew word for breath & soul.

Let us pray.

Breathe in our soul Neshama- the soul longing to serve the Creator;
to make our life a constant fulfilment of the will of God.

Grown up from the baby in Bethlehem, young Jesus was renewing his soul as he lingered at the Temple,
breathing in  Divine  Wisdom as he sat  listened, questioned  and  immersed himself in learning.
He was tuning into his core essence inwardly, & outwardly, expanding his heart.

Breathe Neshama

Jesus, even in his youth, focused on this inner work, letting the outer responsibilities of the everyday fade ,
after the ‘ high ‘of Pesach/Passover  in Jerusalem, before having to return  to Nazareth.
He forgot his earthly parents & expanded into God.

Breathe Neshama

May we have an expanded heart, know that newness, that keenness of youth, the breath of life & soul, to enable  us
to  embrace the sadness, the  loss of so many & the outcasts in our world. May we forget our daily routines for a while,
to hear our soul and those of others in loss, and to give from a new heart.

Breathe Neshama

We don’t understand the injustice of a tsunami, the fear of needing ‘false walls’ to keep out the ‘other’,
nor the not wanting to enact a call from the heart at Uluru. But we pray for all those killed, lost, devastated,
oppressed &  those giving help to them in these situations. We pray for those in power needing new breath,
soul, and heart to embrace everything & everyone that has breath –Neshama- with loving action .

Breathe Neshama

May the Church , the World ,our  community be refreshed by this new soul & breath, Neshama,
as we all stop, listen, then  give and act as God calls us.

In Jesus name we pray.



by Jenne Perlstein, offered for worship, Christmas 1, 30/12