The word Bible means library
There are 66 books by many writers
The stories were spoken and sung before they were written down.
They were made long ago, in far places and ancient languages
No wonder we find them a little bit strange!
But if we come with curious minds and open hearts
We might find Wisdom and meet Jesus
Who is God’s word to us.

Have a look at the story live.
(apologies for the quality, it looked better much before being uploaded)

Children’s time with Janet Watson Kruse and Ian Ferguson, 29/7/18, Pentecost 10

Written by Julie Perrin, in her role as Children & Families Worker, 2015

Prayers of Adoration & Confession

Don’t be afraid. My love is stronger,
my love is stronger than your fear.
Don’t be afraid. My love is stronger,
and I have promised, promised to be always near.

Creator God
you do things we never thought were possible
you part the sea
and feed God’s people with manna

Living Jesus
you provide food for us all us when there is so little to share
you come to us when we are afraid
walking on the rough sea
subverting our expectations of powerand what can be done

Holy Spirit
you show us power in surprising ways
In the strength of a gentle breath
In a breeze rustling around us
and in the warm glow of your presence

Don’t be afraid …

Forgive us
when we are limited by our own expectations,
when we try to contain you,
and try to limit what is possible through you.

Forgive us
when we are afraid of seeing the world differently
of seeing new ways of doing and being,
when we do not recognise you among us
and do not trust in your way.

Don’t be afraid …

We have no need to hesitate or be afraid:
God has already acted in ways we would think are impossible
Jesus comes to be with us
And the Spirit moves among us, in front and behind us as we journey.

And so we can say together with confidence
Our sin is forgiven. Thanks be to God.

Kirsty Bennett, offered for worship 29/7/18, Pentecost 10

Prayers of the People

Don’t be afraid. My love is stronger,
my love is stronger than your fear.
Don’t be afraid. My love is stronger,
and I have promised, promised to be always near.

With our hands on our hearts …
We pray for the needs of our lives, and our community.
Those who are ill in body or mind. Grieving ones.

Don’t be afraid …

With our hands grasped …
We pray for the world.
Peace. Justice. Refuge. Nourishment.

Don’t be afraid …

With our hands open to give and receive …
We pray for the church.

Don’t be afraid …

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever. Amen.

Ian Ferguson, offered for worship, 29/7/18, Pentecost 10