During worship we offered prayers in response to the National Apology to victims and survivors of institutional child sexual abuse.

At the conclusion of the service we enjoyed our Annual Blessing of the Bikes

Prayers of Adoration & Confession

Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison,
Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison.

God of life
You show us the way,
the way to love.
At the times in our lives when we sit by the road
you speak to us, calling us into relationship with you.

Jesus of the way
You see us.
You really see us, rather than glancing in our direction,
or looking our way, and keeping going.
You stop
and you listen.

Spirit of truth
Through you we can see things differently,
You remove barriers so we can see the whole,
The whole world, the whole person.
Through you we can see possibilities that were hidden.

God of life, Jesus of the way, Spirit of truth
Forgive us.

Forgive us when we do not hear you calling us,
when we do not join you on the way,
when we like James and John seek power and glory,
rather than follow you.

Forgive us when we do not see what is before us,
When we rush in to solve and sort out,
rather than be alongside,
When we do not listen,
instead presume to answer for others.

Forgive us when we do not see the possibilities before us,
When we put limits on other people.
When we pigeon hole them
When we lack insight and do not see the whole person.

Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison,
Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison.

Sisters and brothers in Christ,
We are called into relationship with God.
We are seen and loved.
Barriers are removed.
And so we can say with confidence
that our sin in forgiven:
Thanks be to God.

Kirsty Bennett, offered for worship, 28/10/18, Pentecost 23

Prayers of the people

Earlier this year to mark the release of the report by the Royal Commission into Institutional Child Sexual Abuse, we conducted a service of lament, confession and commitment. At that time, we read a statement by the National President of the UCA. If you would like to revisit that statement and the prayers we prayed then, you will find a link on our website culture of safety page.
This week in response to the National Apology, our President renewed the UCA’s apology to victims and survivors. Today we pray a new prayer from her. During the prayer we will light candles representing the light of love in the darkness of our world, and we will pour water representing the healing flow of God’s spirit. After the service you are welcome to light a candle of your own or dip in the water in the font. We will also sing the words of Bartimaeus, “Lord have mercy. Kyrie eleison.”

We pause this day to acknowledge the failure of the church
to protect so many children in its care,
to say how sorry we are,
to pray for those who have been abused
and those who support them.

A time of silence

Gracious and loving God,
We confess that our congregations, agencies and schools
have not always been safe places for children
and that abuse occurred where care and nurture
should have been expected.
We are sorry.

We confess that we failed to listen to the voices of children
when they told us of their abuse.
We confess our failure.
Christ Jesus, Reform our life.

A candle is lit

We pray for survivors of child abuse,
we pray for justice, for strength and healing.
God hear our prayer.

We pray for family and friends of child abuse survivors,
and all who provide care and support.
We pray for wisdom, courage and resilience.
God hear our prayer.

We pray for those whose family member or friend
has died as a result of their abuse.
We pray for comfort, kindness and peace.
God hear our prayer.

A candle is lit

We acknowledge with gratitude those
who have supported survivors of child abuse
to find healing and strength.
We give thanks.

We acknowledge with gratitude the work of the Royal Commission
that enabled survivors to speak of their suffering,
showed us our sin and called us to mend our ways.
We give thanks.

We acknowledge with gratitude advocates
who exposed the truth about institutional child abuse
and who campaigned for truth-telling and justice.
We give thanks.

A candle is lit

Prayers of the people continues …

We acknowledge our need to change as a Church.
Strengthen us to act with justice towards survivors,
to listen to our children and to implement policies
which create safer communities.
Reform us God.

We commit ourselves as your Church to being places of safety,
free of abuse and exploitation.
We commit ourselves as your Church to being communities
where people can flourish in life-giving ways of trust and love.
Reform us God.

Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison,
Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison.

We expand our prayers now beyond the Royal Commission
to remember all those people who have been pushed to the margins.
Those abused by attitudes and institutions,
because of the way God made them,
be it their gender, sexuality, skin colour, place of birth, or differing abilities.
We pray for continuing healing, peace and justice,
and for a world shaped by the love that sees the beauty and dignity of all.
God hear our prayer.
Raise us up to follow your way of peace.

Water is poured into the bowl

We open our prayers to the natural world,
soil, water, air, plants and animals.
We pray for wisdom, grace and leadership
to help us live in harmony and communion
with all the creatures of the earth.
God hear our prayer.
Raise us up to follow your way of peace.

Water is poured into the bowl

Finally, we open our prayers to all who have died.
As we reach the end of this month in which
we have engaged with end of life issues,
and as we prepare for the celebration
of All Saints Day later this week,
we give thanks that we are united
as one great communion of saints,
and we pray for compassion
– compassion to be beside those who are dying
and compassion for those who grieve.
God hear our prayer.
Raise us up to follow your way of peace.

Water is poured into the bowl

Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison,
Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison.

Let us pray together as Christ taught us.
Our Father in heaven
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen

Prepared by National Assembly President Deidre Palmer
Offered for worship, 28/10/18, Pentecost 23
by Ian Ferguson, Kirsty Bennett, Helen Burnham