Prayers of Adoration & Confession

Watch or 9:50

As we conclude the Season of Creation our prayers of adoration and confession will be shaped by Psalm 104 which is said to be one of the finest pieces of lyric poetry in the Old Testament.  The psalmist praises God’s works and the wonders of creation.  It’s long though so we won’t be reading it today but maybe make some time to sit outside and read the psalm for yourself.  Instead, we’ll sing Marty Haugen’s joyful call and response paraphrase ‘All you works of God’ as our Prayers of Adoration.

SONG:  All you works of God, AoV.1.19
All you works of God,
Every mountain, star and tree,
Bless the One who shapes your beauty,
Who has caused you all to be
One great song of love and grace,
Ever ancient, ever new.
Raise your voices, all you works of God.

1.  Sun and moon: Bless your Maker!
Stars of heaven: Chant your praise!
Showers and dew: Raise up your joyful song!

4.  All the earth: Bless your Maker!
Hills and mountains: Chant your praise!
Green things that grow: Raise up your joyful song!

6.  Flying birds: Bless your Maker!
Beasts and cattle: Chant your praise!
Children at play: Raise up your joyful song!

7.  All who live: Bless your Maker!
Men and women: Chant your praise!
Servants of God: Raise up your joyful song!

And now as we continue to pray, let’s breathe into the love of God our Maker

Creator God, maker of all that is
We express our anguish about the impact of climate change,
the loss of biodiversity and the ever-present threat of extinction
for so much of the non-human world.

Jesus who challenged the status quo
We lament our despair over the lack of strong action being taken
by political and industry leaders to enact environmental protections
to protect the future for generations to come.

Holy Spirit, breath of life and love
We confess our busyness that distracts us from the wonders of creation,
and the opportunity to learn more about the culture and ecological spirituality
of indigenous peoples and their connection with the land.

Word of Grace
Our God delights in creation spinning out joy after joy
And joins in our anguish and despair for the harms caused.
Let us breathe in God’s joy as we turn again and again
to follow in Christ’s Way confident that
in His Holy name our sin is forgiven.
Thanks be to God. Amen

Saide Cameron offered for worship 25/09/2022, Season of Creation 4

SONG:  All you works of God, by Marty Haugen, from As One Voice, volume 1, Willow Connections.  Reproduced with permission under ONE LICENCE # 604502

Prayers of the people

Watch or 51:14

Good morning I’m Ray.  After our prayers for the world, the church and our community I will take the Christ Candle to the Chapel space where you are welcome to light a taper for your personal prayers during the final song or after the service.  As we pray we will call on God to hear our prayers in song.  Let’s begin with this call now.

SONG:  God of justice

God of justice, hear our prayer
God of justice, hear our prayer

Creator God, we pray for the world, for your abundant creation.
We pray that world leaders will hear our calls for action on climate change.
We pray for people whose lives are most closely impacted, that their voices may be heard.
We pray for the non-human world, help us to give voice to the silent suffering.
God open the eyes and hearts of all people to act and cry out for justice.

God of justice, hear our prayer
God of justice, hear our prayer

Jesus Christ, you show us the Way and so we pray for the church.
We pray for our church leaders, our President Sharon, our Moderator David
for our Presbytery ministers, our Ministry Team, Church Council and committees.
We pray that they will lead us with wisdom and discernment in these challenging times.
God open our eyes and hearts so that we might follow you on the path of justice.

God of justice, hear our prayer
God of justice, hear our prayer

Holy Spirit you breathe love, hope, peace and joy into our community.
We pray for all who are sick in body, mind or soul and for all who care for them.
We pray for those who are homeless, out of work, suffering abuse and in need of care.
We pray for young people who look to a future that seems to offer little promise.
God open our eyes and hearts so that we can joyfully live our commitment to justice.

God of justice, hear our prayer
God of justice, hear our prayer


Saide Cameron, offered for worship by Ray Cameron, 25/09/2022, Season of Creation 4

SONG:  God of Justice, words and music Rosie O’Reilly, © 2020, from Walk as One, Wattleseed Publishing, © 2022 The Centre of Music, Liturgy and the Arts; Reproduced with permission under ONE LICENCE # 604592