41st Anniversary of the Uniting Church in Australia

We lit the Christ Candle recalling the time of Union on 22nd June 1977, 41 years ago

Prayers of Adoration & Confession

Almighty God, creator of all that is seen and unseen.
We rejoice at your strength, wielded on the side of the oppressed
and those who are challenged to fight for their lives with little chance of victory.

Forgive us for when we have used our power
to diminish others or cause them to be afraid,
give us the ability to uphold the dignity of all people
and in doing so, preserve our own.
Remind us not to accept, without question, the roles given to us
by those who occupy positions of power.

Jesus, who shows us the way of love.
We thank you for your example of compassion and understanding,

Forgive us for not extending our hands out to others in friendship,
Help us to weave communities of love that welcome all.

Holy Spirit, eternal flame that connects all things,
You allow us to appreciate the wonder of life.

Forgive us for accepting reality when we should seek possibility,
awake our imaginations to the newness of each day
and prepare us to face difficulty with open minds.

As we endeavor to fight in our own ways for what God shows us is right,
believe the Good News that comes from God: In Christ we are forgiven.
Thanks be to God.  Amen

Our prayers began and concluded in song ….
Goodness is stronger than evil.
Love is stronger than hate.
Light is stronger than darkness.
Life is stronger than death.
Victory is ours through Him who loved us.

Amelia Ware, offered for worship, Pentecost 5, 24/6/18

Prayers of the People

Loving God, we come to this time of prayer this morning with our hearts full of concerns. But we come to meet you, wanting to speak, wanting to listen and wanting to be in your presence. We come, as individuals, as your people, as the body of Christ here, knowing that we join in the communion of your people everywhere and in the community of your love.

We come, reminding ourselves that you meet us where we are, and we want to sense your presence, your work in the world. We want your kingdom to come, in our lives, our neighbourhood and across the world.

Brother Jesus, we bring to you the names of people who are on our hearts and minds. People who need healing, love, a sense of your presence, people who need to experience your freedom. We remember them now.

Silence … Lord, hear our prayer

Holy Spirit, work in our lives and in our communities. May we be inspired to action and self-giving love and compassion. Help us not to turn-away, to give up. Help us not to be distracted, overwhelmed. Please, do not let us stay comfortable or uninvolved. May we have the ears to hear the pain and hurt of others around us, and respond with the same love we have found in you. For refugees, for those living on the streets, for people who are excluded, for women facing domestic violence, for those experiencing the hatred of racism and for other groups we know of.

Silence … Lord, hear our prayer

Almighty, creator God, we pray for our world. A small planet in the vast Universe of your creation. Thank you for the beauty that surrounds us and the signs of your love and presence that we see every day. We pray for our world and all the species and forms of life that you have created and formed here. Remind us of our call to be stewards, to live within nature, to recognise our place as creatures, rather than seeking our own dominance and control. Remind us of goodness and help us to celebrate and work for the healing of all of your creation.

We pray for people whose lives are shattered by war, may they find peace. We pray for those whose companies and countries benefit from sales of guns and bombs. May they find repentance. We pray for farmers, fishing communities and others whose lives are affected by climate change. May we all find a greater sense of one-ness and connection in this fragile ecosystem. Help us to repent of our lifestyles.

We pray for the millions of people who have been forced from their homes to seek safety somewhere else. We see your face among them and we ask that you will lead them to safety. We pray for politicians and leaders who have closed their doors and who refuse to offer compassion, justice or hospitality. We pray for our own leaders. May they have the courage to seek your justice and the humility to change their minds. May the seed of right conviction take root in their minds and hearts. For other situations, people and countries, we pause…

Silence … Lord, hear our prayer

Loving God, we gather our prayers to you, may our actions, thoughts and words continue to be an offering of our lives, in response to your great love.


Tim Budge, offered for worship, Pentecost 5, 24/6/18