Holy Communion

Prayers of Adoration & Confession

The Christ Candle is lit …
Source of all that is good and lifegiving,
you said, “Let there be light”
and creation emerged from the chaotic darkness.
Speak to your people here
to illumine our hearts with renewed faith
like the crisp, bright light of springtime
after winter’s dark.

Water is poured …
Jesus, you are the seed
which falls into the ground
and “dies” to bear much fruit.
Fall among us like springtime rain
to give the growth of resurrection life
to your people here.

The sound of wind …
Holy Spirit, you are rushing wind
that blows where it will.
Enliven your people here
with the springtime breeze
that stirs the drooping branches
of the Christ vine into life.

Flax lilies are offered …
In the silence we confess to our God
our need for love’s light in our darkness,
our need for new life in our deathly places,
our need for spiritual inspiration
when our faith is flagging.
We confess all that separates us from you, O God.

Hear our prayer
in the name of Christ. Amen

Your sin is forgiven.
Thanks be to God.

Ian Ferguson, 2/9/18, Pentecost 15B

Prayers of the people

Source of all that is good and lifegiving,
we come to you with our prayers for the world.
We bear witness to the grieving of creation
to the brokenness of our humanity
to the damage done to innocent people.
We asked for renewed faith at the turning of the season.
Help us to be agents of healing, your light in the world.

Jesus, bread of life, seed of all that is good,
we come to you with our prayers for the church.
We pray for people of faith throughout the world.
We pray for all who provide leadership in the Uniting Church
a diverse, complex, vibrant, multi-layered body of people.
We ask for renewed faith at the turning of the season
We long to follow you and to speak your word of love.

Holy Spirit, rushing wind, give us words to say as
we come to you with our prayers for our community.
We pray for people sick in heart, in body, mind and soul.
We pray for the ministry of the Olive Way and the ASWC.
We pray all who offer care, support and love.
We ask for renewed faith at the turning of the season.
Enliven us, inspire us, rouse us, make us new.  Amen

Saide Cameron, 2/9/18, Pentecost 15B