Prayers of Adoration & Confession

Watch or 7:09

TiS 747 The Lord is my light, my light and salvation (Jacques Berthier)

The Lord is my light,
my light and salvation:
in God I trust, in God I trust.

You are welcome to sing the Taize song, The Lord is my Light, as a response during the prayers of adoration and confession. Let us pray.

Radiant God, light of creation,
Thank you for offering us glimpses of your divine presence in the world.
We stand in the light of all that you have made and are remaking.
Forgive us for not knowing what to say or do when faced by situations
that seem overwhelming or insurmountable.
Help us to trust that we are not alone in the decisions we face.
Remind us of the importance of pausing to seek you in prayer and stillness,
knowing that the presence revealed to us on the mountain top is always with us.
Let us be guided by your light.

The Lord is my light…

Jesus, light of the world,
You show us the divine potential of humanity
and embody the faithfulness of God’s promise to us and those who came before us.
Forgive us for when we have not loved others as you love us,
Give us faith in your understanding of our human struggles
and courage to walk behind you, showing your love to each other and to those to come.
Let us be guided by your light.

The Lord is my light…

Holy Spirit, light that connects us as your people,
Our hearts are nourished by the hope in you
that glimmers through as we sing songs
that have been passed down through the ages.
We are amazed at your power to transform
simple moments into experiences beyond measure.
Forgive us for the times we have lost sight of your hope in us,
letting your flame be dimmed,
Encourage us to share your healing spirit with those around us,
that we may light the path for one another.
Let us be guided by your light.

The Lord is my light…


Word of Grace
Believe the Good News that comes from God: In Christ we are forgiven.
Thanks be to God.

Amelia Ware, offered for worship 19/02/2023, Transfiguration A

SONG:  The Lord is my light, from the Taize Community, from Together in Song, Harper Collins Religious, Reproduced with permission:  Word of Life

Prayers of the people

Watch or 52:16

God of the mountain
Jesus light in the darkness
Spirit of life with us

We pray for places where people are facing the impact of natural disasters:
An earthquake in Turkia and Syria
A cyclone in New Zealand
Fires in Chile, and
Floods in Australia
We pray for help, for healing, for support, now and in the future, as people grieve and try to live again.
May your light shine on these places.

We pray for places where people are living with violence:
In the Democratic Republic of Congo
In Ukraine
In homes where people face violence from those closest to them, and
In situations where people are subjected to online trolling and harassment
We pray for peace, that peace will be valued and prioritized, for peace to be offered, and hate to be silenced.
May your light shine on these places.

We pray for places of faith. May they show:
Kindness and compassion
Conversation and listening, and
Understanding and compassion in the face of difference
In churches, in mosques, in temples, in synagogues and in shrines,
May your light shine on these places.

We pray for the people:
That we know well
That we live near
That we meet and pass by
That we know of
That we read about
We pray for these people as they struggle with illness, grief, loneliness, loss, lack of work, lack of a home, differences between family and friends, for lack of direction.
May your light shine on them.

God who is the light of the world, the church and the community
You are the past, the present and the future. You appear to us today and every day.
May we live in your presence, and act in faith, confident in your light. Amen

Kirsty Bennett, offered for worship 19/02/2023, Transfiguration A