Blessing the animals

A rainbow of praying hands for endangered animals, our pets and all creation.

Prayers of Adoration

Praise the LORD from the heavens;
praise the LORD in the heights.
Praise the LORD, sun and moon;
praise the LORD, all you shining stars.
Let them praise the name of the LORD,
who commanded, and they were created.
Praise the LORD from the earth, mountains and all hills,
fruit trees and all cedars;
wild beasts and all cattle, creeping things and winged birds;
young men and women,
old and young together.
Let them praise the name of the LORD
for the name of the LORD only is exalted,
and the splendour of the LORD is over earth and heaven.

Psalm 148 – selected verses

Prayers of Confession

God who gives life and breath,
We confess to the times we have caused harm to your creation.
Forgive us for careless behavior and for acting in self-interest.
We long to live in harmony with your creation,
supporting the life around us and living well upon the earth.

We confess that there are at least 21 animals native
to our south-eastern corner of Australia
that are currently in danger of extinction due to
habitat loss, introduced species, infectious diseases, fire and climate change.

With each Olive leaf torn from the branch,
we confess to the struggles faced by these animals (see photos)

Loving God, we acknowledge and lament for the plight of these animals.

As Noah received the olive branch, we receive the Good News that comes from God:
In Christ we are forgiven.
Thanks be to God

Amelia Ware, offered for worship during Blessing the Animals, 14/10/18, Pentecost 21B

Prayers of the people

Holy One, Mother, Father, we sometimes feel lost, and very insignificant and yet in the infinity of space you are mindful of each one of us. Tiny specks of dust spinning in space.

We pray for our World.

 For countries where War rages, we pray for peace, so people can live their lives in the land they love. We pray for those who are refugees. May they find a new home, a welcome, a safe place to to bring up their families. 

Where there is devastation; fire, flood, storms, drought, where the earth shakes and the sea engulfs the land. May we know your presence, be with us, we pray for hope in the face of despair.

We pray for this fragile earth. For better understanding of all the consequences of the way we live, and use our resources. That the land, animals, plants are more than just property, and that we belong to the land.

We pray for the Your Church throughout the world and here where we live our lives.

May we follow where you lead us. Open our eyes to see, our ears to hear and our voices to speak your words.

We pray for those who suffer.

For the sick, the old, the unemployed, the homeless. For those who are abused, at work, or at home where they should be safe. We pray for those who give their time and lives helping others.

Today especially, we pray for respect and compassion for our animals. For the infinite variety of the creatures who inhabit this world and those that face extinction across this your creation. We give thanks for their company. For the food and work they provide. May we treat them with the respect they deserve. We give thanks for the unconditional love of our pets, for wagging tails, the song of birds, warm, wiggling, purring bodies. Dogs who help us to see, to live our lives, and give us company and independence.

Holy one, loving mother and father. We give thanks and pray for all the things that give us hope in this world. For rainbows, friends, families, and pets, and we thank you that you are here with us and that you hear our prayers. 

We pray these things in Jesus name.


Helen Burnham, offered for worship during Blessing the Animals, 14/10/18, Pentecost 21B