Prayers of Adoration & Confession

Watch or 14:03

As we prayed we responded singing ‘Mungu ni Mwema – Know that God is good’ in Swahili and English.
The responses to the Prayer of Adoration were offered first in Filipino by Ralph and then by the congregation in English..
The response to the Prayer of Confession were offered by Bella (Spanish), Jason (Arabic), Mozhgan (Persian) and Claire (English).


God you call us to be your people, and that is who we are.
You blow through our lives like a rushing wind.
God, you are good, we love you.

You wake us up to speak of your great love for all the world
to cry out against the destruction of beauty and diversity.
God, you are good, we love you.

Mungu ni Mwema
Mungu ni Mwema
Mungu ni Mwema
ni Mwema

Jesus you shape us to be your people, for that is who we are.
Your stories show us what it means to care for people.
Jesus, you are good, we love you

You speak out against all that is wrong in the world,
and teach us to be loving, kind, generous, compassionate and joyful.
Jesus, you are good, we love you

Know that God is good
Know that God is good
Know that God is good
God is good
God is good

Holy Spirit you restore us to be your people, and that is who we are.
You dance like fire in our hearts, burning away despair.
Holy Spirit, you are good, we love you.

You give us strength when we are weary and sad
so that we may speak love into the hearts of everyone we meet.
Holy Spirit, you are good, we love you.

Mungu ni Mwema
Mungu ni Mwema
Mungu ni Mwema
ni Mwema
ni Mwema

SONG:  Mungu ni Mwema, from One is the body,
© Wild Goose Publications, Iona Community, Glasgow, Scotland.
Reproduced with permission under ONE LICENCE # 604502


We confess the times when we find it challenging to be your people
Forgive us – Come Holy Spirit
We confess the despair we feel when doors and borders are closed
Forgive us – Come Holy Spirit
We confess our anguish when your words of love fall on deaf ears
Forgive us – Come Holy Spirit
We confess our stumbling steps on the path of discipleship
Forgive us – Come Holy Spirit


The rush of a violent wind, tongues of fire, filled with the Holy Spirit.
Thanks be to God.
God’s words of love spoken into the hearts of all who will listen.
Thanks be to God.
Hear in this Jesus’ gift to us, the gift of grace and forgiveness.
Let us rejoice then for in Christ, through Christ and because of Christ
our sin is forgiven.
Thanks be to God.  Amen.

Saide Cameron, offered for worship 23/05/2021, Pentecost Sunday B

Prayers of the people

Watch or 1:02:21

The first part of the response was offered by Joanne in Dutch and the congregation offered the second part in English.

Loving God, flame-winged dove descending
We pray for the world
We pray for a world reaching out, trying to breathe again.
We pray for a world that needs inspiration.
We pray for those with unjust governments and unjust health systems: may they find justice.
In your mercy, hear our prayers
We look up, we breathe. We wait for the holy spirit. We wait for the dove to descend.

We pray for the Church.
May the Uniting Church remember and live out the emblem: the dove with wings of flame.
May symbols lead to actions. May actions lead to justice. May justice lead to the Kingdom of God.
In your mercy, hear our prayers
We Look up, we breathe. We wait for the holy spirit. We wait for the dove to descend.

We pray for our community. May tired people feel uplifted. May we all help to uplift them.
May lonely friends be uplifted. May we help to uplift them.
May struggling family members feel uplifted. May we help to uplift them.
In your mercy, hear our prayers
We Look up, we breathe. We wait for the holy spirit. We wait for the dove to descend.

In the name of Christ, who stands quietly beside us.


We offered the Lord’s Prayer in three parts led by Mozhgan (Persian), Elaine (Italian), Joanne (Korean) and the congregation responded in English each time.

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial.
and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever. Amen.

Jim Kilpatrick, offered for worship 23/05/21, Pentecost Sunday B