On Sunday 10th November Rev. (Deac) Jeanne Beale* presented Rev. Richard Collard with a certificate celebrating 65 years of ordination.  Responding to this Richard shared a story about his first placement in the Mallee.  He had two manses situated 68 miles apart.  He lived in one manse 9 days at a time and 5 in the other.  Every second Sunday he preached his way back through four congregations.  The placement included eight congregations, many of which Richard commented are only a memory now.

Richard commented that the church has changed over his 65 years.  He said that he was grateful for all the experiences from his 65 years of ordination and in relation to Brunswick UC commented ‘I’m glad that Ian is our minister because I couldn’t keep up with all the twists and turns of the place’.

Richard concluded saying ‘I’m grateful for all of the love and affection I’ve experienced here.  Thank you.’

* Jeanne is one of two Presbytery Ministers for the Presbytery of Port Philip West