As a congregation we offer prayer in a number of ways.

One of these is through the Prayer Points each week.  These are offered on a four week cycle through which we pray for our Ministry Team (weekly) and then our wider church leaders, council and committees, programs within our congregation and beyond and our planet.  From time to time specific prayer points will be added.  When there is a fifth week a prayer list is created responding to the current issues and needs.  This list will now be offered as a Prayer Points Blog located on the Worship with us and Worship Page through the Olive Press each week.

The Pastoral Care Compassion Team offers us another way to pray.  If you or someone you know needs prayer you are invited to contact Glenice Cook, ‭0414 319 649‬, to request prayer.  You can offer as much or as little detail as you feel is appropriate.  A group of people have offered to pray daily for those on the list.  If you would like to one of those who pray please also contact Glenice.

We are also invited to pray with the Assembly through the prayer points offered in the UC National Update each week and to also engage with the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle.