12th January 2022

Dear Friends in Christ

The COVID Reference Group is once again working to ensure that our community remains as safe as we possibly can be as case numbers continue to rise due to the Omicron variant.

Last week a decision was made to pause offering morning tea after worship for the rest of January.  This decision will be reviewed at the end of the month.

This week we received guidance from Synod which

  • affirms our decision to continue wearing masks indoors
  • provides detailed information about Close Contacts and Isolation (see below)
  • requires us to review and update our COVIDSafe plan
  • states that COVID check-in marshals are required to ensure that everyone in attendance checks-in and is wearing a facemask

Last Sunday less than 50 people attended worship in-person with a number of people indicating that they participated by live-stream.  We encourage anyone who has health concerns to continue taking advantage of the live-streamed worship option.  We offer our gratitude to Ray Cameron for his commitment to providing this live stream service and to all on the AV rosters who make it possible for us to continue being a gathered worshipping community in these challenging times.

Close Contacts and Isolation:
If you have COVID-19, or you are a contact of someone who does, read the government’s COVID Checklist for what to do. You must follow this checklist.

If you have COVID-19 symptoms or are a household contact of someone with COVID-19:

  • Get a rapid antigen test.
  • If you are unable to access a rapid antigen test, get a PCR test.
  • If you can’t get a PCR test, stay isolated until you can access either type of test.
  • If you do not have symptoms and you are not a household contact, monitor for symptoms.

If you test positive on a rapid antigen test you must:

  • report your result online or call 1800-675-398 as soon as possible.
  • Immediately isolate for 7 days from the day you took the rapid antigen test.
  • Follow the government checklist and tell your contacts you have COVID-19.
    • Your household contacts must isolate for 7 days and take regular tests
    • Your social contacts must get tested if they have any symptoms
    • Advise your workplace or education facility that you have COVID-19.

Worship roster:
An email has been sent to everyone who participates in our roster system noting the following.

  • Morning tea rosters will not be required for the remainder of January
  • Bible Reading and Prayers of the People may provide a recording for inclusion in worship
  • For any of the other rosters if you no longer feel comfortable participating in person, please contact Saide, 0407 096 743

If you have questions or concerns or need further information please contact Helen Rowe, 0423 009 813

May Christ’s peace continue to guide us all at this difficult time.

Saide Cameron with the COVID Reference Group