BUC News

24th December: Advent 4 & Christmas Eve – A rare opportunity to worship three times in one day.

  • Come along at 9:30am for worship during which Richard Arnold will offer us an opportunity to meditate as part of our regular liturgical flow
  • Then come back at 7:00pm for our Pageant: A message of hope & joy, a celebration for all ages
  • Have a short rest and return at 11:30pm to celebrate the birth of Christ as we worship by candlelight and celebrate Holy Communion

A totally excellent way to spend the day indeed!! Then of course you can return again on Christmas morning 9:30am to once again celebrate the birth of our Saviour.

The Advent Choir offered two beautiful items: ‘ Most Highly Favoured Lady’ and ‘Gloria’.  Thank you Elaine for once again training and leading the choir.

Thank you for your generous support for the Christmas Bowl through the FUNdraising stalls over the last three Sundays and Carols at the Manse. The total amount raised will be published next week. You are welcome to make a personal tax deductible donation using the envelopes provided at worship or online via the Act for Peace website

BUC News

The Olive Way is now on Christmas Break and will reopen on Tuesday 9th January.

Ian will be on leave from 8th to 22nd January. We look forward to welcoming Fiona Bottcher as our preacher on 14th and 21st January. Please contact the Pastoral Care Compassion Team via Glenice Cook, 0414 319 649, for any pastoral matters during this time.

Christmas Bowl Stories

Advent 4, Do not be afraid – Life changing support, $27 can pay for a refugee mother to attend a mother’s group in Jordan, providing essential supports and counselling.

Christmas Day, God breaking into the world to bring peace – Lifesaving medical care, $210 can provide lifesaving medical treatment for families who don’t have access to basic healthcare.

You can make an tax deductible online donation here or using the envelopes at worship.

Wider Church News

A Christmas Greeting from Moderator, Sharon Hollis

On behalf of the Uniting Church in Australia Assembly please find the attached Pastoral Statement re the Royal Commission Final Report with prayers from President Stuart McMillan to be shared with congregations.

Prayer Points

Ministry Team
BIUC Congregation
Fiona – MoD candidate
UnitingCare ReGen
D&E Committee
Presbytery Representative
Student House Program
Community Ministry
Love Makes a Way
Food Co-op
Our planet & all she holds

Presbytery Prayer Points

Candidates for Ministry
Kathryn Stoel-Cousineau
Carlynne Nunn
Trang -Vo
Paul Dau (Certified Candidate)
You Mi Park
Sol Ko
Fiona Bottcher