Prayer Points

Ministry Team
BIUC Congregation
UnitingCare ReGen
D&E Committee
Presbytery Representatives – Kate and Jamie
Student House Program
Community Ministry
Love Makes a Way
Food Co-op
Our planet & all she holds

BUC News

Worship chat
Join Ian after worship at 10:30 on Zoom.   See the Facebook event or simply join here.

Candlelight for Refugees
Sunday 19th July marks 7 years of detention of refugees who have been held hostage by the Australian government.  It’s 7 years since former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced that people seeking asylum, arriving by boat, will never be settled in Australia and would be processed offshore. Since then refugees and asylum seekers have been held on Manus and Nauru in horrendous conditions.
We are invited to light a candle and take 7 minutes of silence, at 7pm (AEST)in our own homes or backyards.  See the Event post hosted by Sara Cowdell and Mostafa Azimitabar.  Contact Abi Benham-Bannon,‬, if you have any questions.

Worship & the Olive Way
During worship on 26th July we will acknowledge and celebrate the Olive Way ministry being offered our Olive Way Pastor Peter Blair, the Olive Way Steering Group and the volunteers who continue to care for the Olive Way clients during lockdown.

August Olive Branch
The next edition of our monthly newsletter will be published on Sunday 2nd August.  Please email your stories, reports, news, photos, and anything else of interest to by Monday 27th July.  Thank you.

August & September roster
The roster will be prepared this week.  If you would like to lead Prayers of the People, offer a Bible reading or the Acknowledgement of Country please send Saide an email –

Medievalism in Australian Cultural Memory
Read this fascinating very short article about the 1865 building that was the original church on our site.

Wider Church News

Why going back to normal isn’t good enough  
Moderator Rev Denise Liersch wrote this article for the June Crosslight acknowledging the pain and struggle in our world asking ‘What might the Spirit of God be inviting us to?’

Climate Action News

Climate Action Group – political action and advocacy
The BUC Climate Action Group (CAG) will meet at the new time of 5pm on Saturday 25th July via zoom to discuss political action and advocacy around supporting a green recovery.

Consultation on Synod’s Position on Climate Change
Register by Monday 20th July to attend one of the two online forums run by the UCA VicTas Synod’s Justice and International Mission (JIM) Cluster to provide feedback on the proposals to update the Synod position on the urgency of addressing the causes of climate change and the actions that need to be taken in response:

The consultation paper can be downloaded from the website

Powershop “switch a friend” bonus now available!
We’re delighted to announce that BUC has taken a significant step by switching our Sydney Rd site’s electricity from 20% to 100% GreenPower. Would you like to help yourself, BUC and the planet all at the same time? If you switch to Powershop electricity based on BUC’s referral, then they will credit you and BUC with $75 towards both accounts. Naturally, you should do your homework about whether that makes sense for you overall.
If you do want to switch, and credit BUC as part of the deal, follow this link:

People’s Climate Strategy for Victoria – Climate Impacts Survey
The Victorian government is required to prepare a climate strategy for the state by the 31st of October. This plan will set out the state’s plans for cutting emissions and helping community’s cope with climate impacts. Friends of the Earth and community members are writing a People’s Climate Strategy for Victoria. The BUC Climate Action Group is encouraging members of the congregation to fill out the following short survey to ensure the final outcome includes your local knowledge: