Prayer Points

Ministry Team
Ecumenical Neighbours
Assembly President
CY&YA Committee
Property Committee
Hospitality Ministry
Sanctuary Movement
Indigenous Hospitality House
UCA Assembly
Creatures of the air

BUC News

15th July – We welcome Sunny Chen, one of our regular preachers and Co-ordinator of Chaplaincy at the University of Melbourne.

New subscribers welcome to With Love to the World
The August and November daily devotion guides reflect on the lectionary.  If you want this half yearly subscription it costs $10.  See Faye Findlay on Sunday 15th July before she heads to the 11am S.M.P. meeting.  (These additional orders must be placed next week so be quick!)

Cafe Style Morning Tea
After worship on Sunday 15th July morning tea will be offered Café Style.  Please let Saide know if you can help with setting up or packing up, 04070 96 743

SMP get together
For SMP teachers, assistants and parents of our young people … Grab a cuppa after church on Sunday 15th July, get a quick update and help plan a great term for our kids.

Bush Dance
Counting down the days until the Bush Dance on Saturday 21stJuly.  This event is a FUNdraiser for the Asylum Seeker Welcome Centre.  Invite everyone.  It’s going to be a fabulous community event for all ages.

Pop-up Op-Shop at the Bush Dance
One of the features of the evening will be the return of Helen Burnham’s much loved Pop-up Op-Shop.  Start hunting through your cupboards and wardrobes for items that you no longer want or need.  Contact Helen, 0412 947 647, if you have any questions.  Donations can be brought to church and left in the Tower Room from Sunday 1st July.

Auction at the Bush Dance
Another feature on the evening will be a silent auction.  We are seeking donations from local business as a way of raising awareness about the work of the Asylum Seeker Welcome Centre.  Please print out a few copies of the letter or collect some at worship, sign your name at the bottom, include your phone number and take them to wherever you shop, have a coffee or go out for lunch and negotiate a donation.  Contact Saide, 0407 096 743 with any questions or for ideas.

Website updates
The BUC Arts and Finance Resources pages have been updated.  Well worth a look.  Please note you need to have member login to access the Finance page.

BUC News

Name Tags
These are an excellent tool for getting to know people’s names.  Please wear yours as often as you can.  Please let Saide know, 0407 096 743, if you need one.  There will also be a sheet to add your details and choice of colour (red, green, yellow, blue, orange, purple) during morning tea after worship.

The Olive Pages
Our Directory of contact information has been updated and is available in the Members section of the website via secure login.  Contact Saide Cameron, 0407 096 743, for more information.

Mainstreams and Margins
Join the Discipleship & Education committee for Mainstream and Margins Dynamics – a workshop to support an inclusive church community on Thursday 26th July, 7:30-9:30pm.  Contact Ian Ferguson, 0438 547 842 or see the noticeboard for more information.

Congregational Meeting
A congregational meeting will be held after worship on Sunday 5th August to inform the congregation of the recommendations from the Olive Way Kitchen briefing report and the relocation trial approved by Church Council at its July meeting.  The report is available by login to the Members section – Resources & Reports.  Scroll down to:  Olive Way Kitchen briefing report.

Safe Church Awareness Training
You are invited to be part of a safe place!  The Safe Church Awareness workshop provides local volunteers and leaders with knowledge and understanding of our Safe Church policy and procedures.  All ‘appointed leaders’ at BUC are required to attend training.  Saturday 11th August, 1:30-4:15pm at BUC. RSVP to Helen Rowe by 1 st August, 0423 009 813.

Wider Church News

Beers & Hymns
Come along to Beer & Hymns, Sunday 19th August, 3:00-5:30pm at The Wesley Ann, 250 High St., North Melbourne.  Bring along a copy of TiS or AHB.

Community News

Book Launch Invitation
Jan Morgan and Graeme Garrett, members of our community, have co-authored a book On the Edge: A-Way with the Ocean The book engages in conversation with poets, theologians, philosophers, scientists and Indigenous wisdoms.  Members of BUC are warmly invited to a launch party on Sunday 5th  August 2018 at 3-5 pm,