Ministry Team on leave
Ian Ferguson will be on leave from 1st-17th January.  During this time we  will welcome Carlynne to preach and preside over Holy Communion (1/1), Daniel Broadstock to preach (8/1) and Kirsty Bennett and Saide Cameron to offer an interactive reflection time (15/1).
Peter Blair (Olive Way Pastor) will be on leave from 23rd December-6th January.  See next item for information about Olive Way dates.
For pastoral care needs contact a member of the Pastoral Care Compassion Team:  Gwen-‭0413 047 938‬, Glenice-‭0414 319 649‬, Leanne-‭0449 912 092‬.

Olive Way
The Olive Way is closed for a Christmas break.  It will reopen to guests on Wednesday 18th January.  Check out the Olive Way on Facebook for lots of great stories and photos about the Christmas celebrations.  If you are interested in joining the Olive Way team send an email to:

Christmas messages from UCA Church Leaders

Congregational Meeting
A Congregational Meeting will be held after worship on 15th January to hear a presentation from the Joint Nominating Committee for the Children, Youth & Young Adult position.   We will be invited to make a decision regarding the proposed call to a new CYYA Minister.
We are exploring the option of offering a hybrid meeting.  More details will be available in the week preceding 15th January.
You are welcome to reply with your apology if you are unable to attend.  Saide Cameron, Congregation Secretary

Learn some FN’s stuff: #10
Listen to Premier Dan Andrews
making an apology to Uncle Archie Roche

Climate Action News

Climate Action News  will be in recess over the holiday period.

Website feature

Pages on the website are updated regularly.  This week we are featuring the Resources & Reports page in the Members Section (Note – you need to be a website member to access this page). Here you will find a collection of reports (presented alphabetically, not chronologically) that provide the opportunity to learn more about the mission and ministry activities of our congregation.   Have a look and let us know what you think, responses to

Nothing this week

Nothing this week

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