Prayers of Adoration & Confession

Jesus, light of the world,
as darkness begins its descent on the day,
we come to this quiet place of reflection
to remember the final events of your life.
As you draw nearer to the cross,
we draw near to you.

Listening to the familiar accounts of your disciples,
we seek new understanding,
to reduce the distance between our lives and yours
and the completion of a journey
prophesied long before.

With the muffled tread of a donkey
echoing faintly in our ears,
We listen to how we might love God
and each other as you did,
with humility and grace, both personal and divine.

As we wash one another’s feet:
share a communal meal;
pray to God in the darkness;
help us to listen fully and nurture what we find.
Trusting in the knowledge
that understanding may come later,
that through our walk with you,
we may find light in the darkness.  Amen

Amelia Ware, offered for worship, Maundy Thursday 18/4/2019


Jesus says ‘Take up your cross and follow me’
By your strength in me, O God

Jesus Christ is the light of the world,
the light no darkness can overcome.
Stay with us, Lord, for it is evening
and the day is almost over.
Let your light scatter the darkness
and illumine your people. (BCW43)

This service continues on Good Friday
and concludes on Easter Sunday.

Go in peace.
As Christ loved you, love one another.

Stay and pray, and when you are ready, depart in silence…

Ian Ferguson, offered for worship Maundy Thursday 21/4/2019