Together, BUC households are making a difference!

Calling all Brunswick Uniting households: Can you help us reach these awesome targets?

Let us know what actions you will commit to, to help act for climate justice. Get ideas from the lists on this page, or think up some new actions to add. Then just look at us go!

Send an email with your commitment to Kate Scull, 

Explainer: The graph counts the actions that BUC households have committed to and/or are already doing in each of the five categories shown. The actions included in each category are listed below the graph. Some actions have been committed to by multiple households; each household adds to the 'action count' (e.g. if 5 households compost and 3 households grow veggies, that's 8 actions in the graph for 'Food and Consumption).

Artwork kindly contributed by Clementine, Hamish, Oscar and Susannah