Holy Week was an amazing experience of engaging with the central stories of our faith through actions, prayers, story telling, images and rituals.  We drew on the rich traditions of our faith, our local customs and the enormous generosity, gift and talents of our congregation.

Holy Week began with worship on Palm Sunday, 25th March and included our Ecumenical service at St. Ambrose Catholic church.

On Maundy Thursday, 29th March, we gathered to remember Jesus last evening meal with his disciples.

Worship on Good Friday, 30th March, was shaped by ‘The Seven Words from the Cross’.  

Concluding our worship service on 30th March Ian commented …

No morning tea today, but gather at 12 for soup and hot cross buns at Adrian and Anita’s it is right that Christ’s people should be together on this most holy day because we are a community born at the cross.

We gathered at dawn on Easter Sunday, 1st April, in the Easter Garden.

Worship on Easter Day, 1st April, opened with our Lenten sound scape calling us to a moment of stillness as we crowded into the Gathering Space.