Prayers of Adoration

Risen Lord, Rabbouni, it is you!
You are here, you are with us again!
This is something so extraordinary we never believed could happen.
We saw you crucified and buried.

We have been bereft these last days as we thought we had lost you,
that all hope was gone,
that the persecutors had succeeded,
that the powers of establishment and the authorities had triumphed.

We thought that our vision for a new way was lost and we were alone.
But you are here ! You have risen!

You have done what we thought was impossible and we see you again!
You live!
You will meet us in our homes and in our work,
You will travel with us on our journeys big and small,
You will love and support us in our joys and fears.
You will lead us and show us the way.

You are with us!

We will go and tell the others. Hallelujah!  Amen

Kirsty Bennett, offered for worship Easter Dawn, 21/4/2019

Remembrance of Baptism

Brothers and sisters,
as we celebrate again the resurrection
of Christ Jesus,
we remember that through the mystery
of his suffering and death
we have died
and been buried with him in baptism.

In our baptism,
we were also raised with him to new life.
So let us turn again
to Jesus Christ
who has defeated
the power of sin and death
and brought us new life.

Let us commit ourselves anew to God,
reaffirming our baptism,
trusting in Jesus Christ as Saviour
and in the Holy Spirit as God’s
power and presence along the way.

Come, Risen Lord Jesus,
refresh the lives of all your faithful people.
Sisters and brothers:
Always remember you are baptised,
and be thankful.

Ian Ferguson, offered for worship Easter Dawn, 21/4/2019