Prayers of Adoration & Confession

God of hope we are surrounded by the wonder of creation
Your capacity for beauty is beyond our understanding
Your mysteries speak to us in strange and compelling ways.
We treasure this earth that we call home
and sorrow deeply for the damage done
through the rampant greed of humanity.
Forgive us this Christmas Eve.

God of peace we are called to follow you
You entered this earth as a vulnerable baby
And grew to a man who shows us the way to peace.
We despair at humanity’s capacity for war
and sorrow deeply for the damage done
to vulnerable people throughout the world.
Forgive us this Christmas Eve.

God of joy we rejoice in the outpouring of your love
You fill our hearts with joy in unexpected ways
Calling us to follow you into fullness of life.
We confess that we are often distracted
from the call to follow you, to stand up
to speak out and be your voice in the world.
Forgive us this Christmas Eve.

God of love you enter the world again and again
You hold nothing back, calling all the world to love
to love our neighbours, to care for all in need.
We are often fearful of this calling
of what it will cost us, of where it will take us
and so we limit our own capacity for love.
Forgive us this Christmas Eve.  Amen

The hopes and fears of our living are held
in the mystery and wonder of God’s love.
Through the mystery and wonder of grace
we can be confident that in the name of Christ
the one whose birth we celebrate tonight
our sins are forgiven.
Thanks be to God.  Amen

Saide Cameron, offered for worship, Christmas Eve 2018

Prayers of the people

God of Eternal Peace,
on this holy night we take time to remember
people suffering in different ways around the world.

We pray for people living through natural disasters
seeking safety and the strength to rebuild
Emmanuel, come to them, bring your compassion and hope

We pray for children who long for the chance to go to school
seeking to escape poverty and break down gender roles.
Emmanuel come to them, bring your resilience and peace.

We think of people suffering from the impact of drought
learning news of farming to support their families.
Emmanuel, come to them, bring your resilience and joy.

We think of refugees longing to go home.
But who can’t, because of war and conflict.
Emmanuel, come to them, bring your compassion and love.

Stir in our hearts, O God,
give us the will, and ability,
to bring your healing love,
your healing hope,
and your healing peace
to people suffering around the world.

We pray this in the name of your incarnate son,
born this night, Jesus Christ. Amen

Saide Cameron, adapted from Christmas Bowl prayers
offered for worship Christmas Eve 2018