Prayers of Adoration & Confession

Jesus, born of Mary, born this day,
We know so much about you, and so little.
We hear so many stories of your birth and your life
And yet learn more, and know you better each day.

Mighty God
Wonderful Counsellor
Saviour, Messiah, Lord
You are the light of the world.

Everlasting Father
Prince of Peace
You are a child born for us
A Son given to us.

Mary’s child, born in the night
Hope of the world
Newborn King
You are Immanuel, God with us.

Infant holy, infant lowly
King of angels
Word of the Father now in flesh appearing
You are Christ the Lord!

You are all these things and so much more.
We adore you.

Forgive us when we put limits on who you are
When we only listen to part of your story,
When we shape your story to suit ours.

Word of Grace

Christ is born this day,
A child who will challenge and change us all
A God who loves and forgives.
And so we can say with confidence:
‘Our sin is forgiven’
Thanks be to God.

Kirsty Bennett, offered for worship 25/12/2022, Christmas Day A

Prayers of the people

God of Christmas love,

we bring to the manger today the people of Ukraine. We pray for:

  • a peaceful resolution to this crisis that prevents further human suffering
  • safety for those who have fled and those still in danger at home
  • and for all who will bear the cost of a senseless war

Enrich the lives of those who wait in limbo, yearning for miracles.

We bring to the manger today the people of Syria. We pray that

  • those experiencing relocation driven by desperation are not forgotten and receive the care and support they need.

Open now doors to the home of your heart. Show us the way.

We bring to the manger today the people of Zimbabwe. We pray for

  • families affected by severe droughts,
  • and for unity and reconciliation amidst deep division and social fragmentation.

Grant protection to the weak and wisdom to the unjustly accused.

We bring to the manger today Sri Lankan refugees in South India. We pray for

  • forgotten followers of paths without destination
  • and for guidance and support on the journey home.

Help us listen to and understand the plight of the displaced and despised.

We bring to the manger today the people of the Congo. We pray for

  • the millions who are on the brink of famine, enduring empty bellies and escaping evil situations.

May people seek peace there with the tenacity that they have worked at war.

We pray for hope, peace, joy and love around the world, for all people, all creatures, for the very earth itself, that your will might be done on earth as in heaven.

Let us pray together as Christ taught us:

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and forever. Amen.

Ian Ferguson, offered for worship 25/12/2022, Christmas Day A